Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Taman Kajang Baru dan MPKj

Tanggal 22 April 2008 bahagian dapur sebuah rumah di Taman Kajang Baru menyembah bumi. Seorang bapa dalam lingkungan umur 60an terselamat dari mala petaka apabila beliau yang baru sahaja menggunakan tandas yang terletak di bahagian dapur itu sudah berada di ruang tamu. Akibatnya beberapa buah rumah teres dua tingkat yang bersambung dengan rumah tersebut turut mengalami rekahan teruk.

Sehingga artikel ini ditulis sekurang-kurangnya tujuh buah keluarga yang menginap di jalan yang sama dengan dapur rumah yang runtuh itu berjaya dipindah dan ditempatkan di Council Home, Bandar Baru Bangi. Berpuluh-puluh lagi buah rumah yang berdekatan kini hanya menunggu masa untuk runtuh menyembah bumi. Keselamatan puluhan nyawa di situ sudah tidak terjamin kerana pada bila-bila masa mereka mungkin tertimbus hidup-hidup ketika sedang nyenyak tidur.

Ketika menziarahi kawasan tragedi bersama-sama ADUN Bangi pada malam 22 April, kami rasa amat gerun bila memijak baki lantai simen di bahagian dapur rumah berkenaan. Terasa hentakan kaki kami bergaung lantaran tidak ada apa-apa lagi di bawah lantai tersebut. Mata kami liar mengawasi kelincahan ADUN Bangi berjalan ke sana ke mari takut sesuatu berlaku kepadanya. Mana tahu lantai simen itu tiba-tiba runtuh dan membenamkan kami semua dan mana tahu satu pilihan raya kecil pertama selepas pilihan raya umum ke 12 terpaksa diadakan di sini!

Itu hanyalah catatan pendek bagi membayangkan betapa rumah-rumah di situ yang khabarnya sudah berusia hampir 30 tahun sedang menuju zaman nyanyuk mereka. Persis orang nyanyuk kelakuan mereka sukar diduga. Elok-elok ketawa tiba-tiba menangis. Begitu juga dengan rumah-rumah di sini. Yang paling kita takuti ialah berulangnya tragedi Highland Tower.

Bagaimanapun Tragedi Highland Tower membolehkan penggunaan jentera berat untuk kerja-kerja mencari dan menyelamat diadakan. Tetapi di sini - di Taman Kajang Baru - penggunaan sebarang jentera samada berat atau ringan tidak mungkin sama sekali. Alasannya ialah kerana boleh dikatakan semua bahagian belakang rumah-rumah berkenaan telah diubahsuai. Keluasan ubahsuai pula ialah hingga sampai cucuran atap barisan rumah di belakangnya.

Bayangkan apa akan berlaku jika ada seorang kanak-kanak berusia dua tahun terperangkap di bawah timbunan batu-bata dan konkrit ketika tragedi 22 April itu. Bagaimana usaha-usaha menyelamat hendak dilancarkan? Jika menggunakan tenaga empat kerat seperti yang dilakukan sekarang ia akan mengambil masa antara 3 hingga empat minggu. Mampukan kanak-kanak - malah seorang manusia dewasa pun - bertahan dalam tempoh itu ?

Pilihan kedua yang ada ialah meruntuhkan semua bahagian ubahsuai rumah-rumah yang berkenaan. Bolehkan ini dilakukan tanpa menjejas struktur rumah asal? Jika boleh pun berapa pula nilai pampasan yang bakal dibayar oleh MPKj terhadap pemilik rumah-rumah itu. Atau pilihan ketiga yang mungkin terbaik ialah jentera berat masuk melalui pintu hadapan rumah berkenaan. Sekali lagi ia akan melibatkan stuktur asal rumah bagi membolehkan jentera itu masuk. Dan sekali lagi MPKj menanggung tuntutan pampasan. Supaya tidak lupa bahawa wang pampasan itu datangnya dari saku kita sendiri sewaktu membayar cukai pintu, cukai pasar malam, denda salah letak kenderaan dan sebagainya.

Satu persoalan yang sering bermain di fikiran ialah mengapa MPKj membenarkan ubahsuai rumah sebegitu rupa? Atau tidak ada kerja-kerja pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan dibuat selama ini? Wah nampaknya kita kena sambung episod pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan ini di bahagian lain. Kita yakin menjelang 100 hari Pakatan Rakyat memerintah Selangor, berjilid-jilid fail aduan dapat kita hasilkan. Sekali lagi kita terpaksa memperelokkan kerja-kerja tidak senonoh UMNO/BN selama 50 tahun pemerintahan mereka.

Akhir kalam Taman Kajang Baru hanya lambang kegagalan kerajaan BN/UMNO selama ini. Jika ada masa kita akan bercerita pula tentang Bandar Bukit Mahkota Cheras, Kampung Bangi Lama dan lain-lain. Wassalam

Friday, April 25, 2008

Terima Kasih JPS Hulu Langat

Assalamu'alaikum wbt,

Saya sebagai Ahli Jawatan Kuasa Bertindak ADUN Bangi mengucapkan terima kasih kepada JPS Hulu Langat kerana menunaikan janji untuk mengorek parit yang menghubungkan 'retention pond' di Kampung Bangi dengan Sungai Bangi. Kerja-kerja menggali oleh kontraktor JPS telah siap pada 23 April lalu berikutan keputusan mesyuarat bersama JPS dan beberapa agensi lain dengan Yang Berhormat ADUN Bangi, Dr Shafie Abu Bakar pada 18 April 2008.

Parit kecil sepanjang lebih kurang 200 meter ini merupakan permintaan penduduk tempatan sebagai langkah segera mengurangkan paras air yang bertakung di Kampung Masjid dan Kampung Bangi setiap kali hujan lebat turun. Bagaimana pun langkah menggali parit ini diharap menjadi permulaan hubungan yang lebih mantap antara Wakil Rakyat Bangi dengan semua agensi-agensi kerajaan khususnya JPS Hulu Langat. Ada banyak lagi aduan rakyat di Pejabat ADUN Bangi yang masih belum sempat diproses.

Bagi Kampung Masjid dan Kampung Bangi sendiri ada tiga persoalan besar yang memerlukan tindakan segera semua pihak bagi mengelak bencana banjir yang sering berlaku sekarang dari berulang kembali iaitu:

1. Projek Tebatan Banjir Sungai Bangi di bawah JPS yang memberi kontrak kepada Gorass Sdn Bhd beberapa tahun lalu yang terbengkalai hingga kini.

2. Penyelenggraan 'retention pond' oleh MPKj secara tetap dan sistematik atau adakah MPKj tidak pernah menyelenggara 'retention pond' ini?

3. Permohonan JKKK Kampung Masjid, Bangi terhadap sistem perparitan di kampung tersebut yang khabarnya telah diluluskan oleh Pejabat Tanah dan Daerah Hulu Langat. Penduduk kini menunggu bila agaknya projek ini akan dimulakan.

InsyaAllah saya akan terus memantau perkembangan ketiga-tiga isu di atas dengan penuh minat dan kesabaran.

Sekian, Terima Kasih

Haji Abdul bin Abdul Karim
Jawatankuasa Bertindak ADUN Bangi

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Che Min bin Che Ahmad : Rang Undang-Undang Penjara 1995 (Pindaan 2007)

Sedutan Ucapan YB Dato' Haji Che Min bin Che Ahmad [Pasir Puteh] sewaktu perbahasan Rang Undang-Undang Penjara 1995 (Pindaan 2007) pada 19 Disember 2007

Terima kasih, Tuan Yang di-Pertua. Yang saya kasihi Yang Berhormat Timbalan Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, menteri-menteri dan Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat. Saya sikit sahaja, Tuan Yang di-Pertua.

Seksyen 46(b) ini Penubuhan Lembaga Parol. Sebelum itu saya hendak berterima kasih dan syabas kepada Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri kerana boleh mewujudkan satu sistem parol, walaupun belum lulus - kita akan luluskan hari ini. Lembaga parol ini saya harap benar-benar kita lantik kerana saya tengok tiga orang awam ini sebagaimana kata Batu Pahat tadi berilah seorang doktor pakar kita lantik dalam lembaga ini. Kalau boleh orang-orang yang selain daripada itu kita hendak yang mahir dalam motivasi, kalau boleh nilai-nilai murni ini kita hendak masukkan dalam lembaga itu banyak sikit. Kita tahu manusia sebagaimana yang disebut oleh rakan Yang Berhormat tadi, dia kata manusia ini kalau duduk dalam apa lembaga pun dia bimbang kerana tidak menjalankan amanah dengan baik. Kita buat parol ini pun, yang hendak menjalankannya ialah manusia. Apa makna manusia itu? Nassi, nasian, mansi - pelupa, pelalai, pembuat salah itulah manusia tetapi manusia tidak akan buat salah kalau ada peraturan, ikut panduan. Oleh sebab itulah saya kata yang dilantik ini yang peringkat intelektual, yang ada sifat-sifat amanah dalam lembaga ini baru tak salah pilih kuasa, ini saya rasa boleh. Kalau kita hendak lari dari manusia, tidak dapatlah kerana manusia diserap ke dunia ini bukan jin, bukan malaikat. Kalau beri malaikat perfect 100% memang tidak salah. Manusia tidak perfect. Allah dan malaikat yang perfect. Sebab itulah parti pembangkang tidak perfect dia pun salah. Walaupun fitrah dia baik, ada baik dan ada salahnya. Itu kena terima hakikat.

Yang kedua, Tuan Yang di-Pertua, Seksyen 46(c) Kuasa Lembaga. Kuasa ini, saya hendak baca ayat dengan izin. [Membaca sepotong ayat Al-Quran] Ayat ini Seputeh tidak boleh baca. Allah menyuruh kita berlaku adil. Dia beri amanah kepada kita mestilah kita berlaku adil apabila menghukum sesama manusia. Bukan sesama manusia sahaja, hukum bini, hukum anak pun kena adil. Jangan semasa marah ambil batang paip hentam bini kita. Semasa kasih jambatan emas, berlian pun kita boleh buat. Itu contoh.

Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [Seputeh]: Minta penjelasan. Apakah menggunakan ISA itu adil... Adakah ia bercanggah dengan ajaran Islam?

Datuk Dr. Marcus Makin Mojigoh [Putatan]: Terima kasih, Tuan Yang di-Pertua. Terima kasih sahabat saya Pasir Puteh. Saya tertunggu-tunggu Yang Berhormat menyentuh soal pelantikan perkara 48(e) itu - tiga orang awam. Yang Berhormat bertanya menyentuh dua orang sahaja. Satu perubatan, kedua orang yang pakar dengan motivasi iaitu terutama sekali psikologi dan sebagainya. Yang ketiga saya tertunggu-tunggu. Adakah Yang Berhormat bersetuju dengan saya perlantikan Lembaga Parol ini ditambah kepada orang-orang juga kepada orang yang boleh menambah nilai-nilai murni seperti mana dari sudut keagamaan dan ketua-ketua masyarakat. Bolehkah Yang Berhormat bersetuju dengan saya kalau ahli yang mengenai lantikan orang awam ini boleh ditambah atau beri ruang untuk penambahan sekiranya diperlukan.

Dato' Haji Che Min bin Che Ahmad [Pasir Puteh]: Terima kasih, Putatan. Putatan ini bijaksana. Bukan bijak sahaja pasal dia memikir jauh - wawasan. Beri kuasa menteri. Mesti ada kuasa menteri, kuasa dia boleh tambah lebih kurang. Tidak ada dalam undang-undang taruh noktah, pupp tidak boleh buat apa-apa. Dia mesti ada fleksibiliti. Maka saya bersetuju. Walau bagaimanapun saya bukan Menteri dan saya bukan Timbalan Menteri. Kita serahkan kepada Yang Berhormat Timbalan Menteri. Jadikan ucapan itu sebahagian daripada ucapan saya.

Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [Seputeh]: Saya tanya. Tadi Yang Berhormat Pasir Puteh kata undang-undang itu mesti adil. Jadi apakah penggunaan ISA itu adil kerana mereka ditahan tanpa perbicaraan?

Dato' Haji Che Min bin Che Ahmad [Pasir Puteh]: Dalam takrif syarak ‘boghah’ ertinya penderhaka. Penderhaka kepada kerajaan itu ‘boghah’. Maka satu ‘jaraid’ boleh ISA, boleh tembak tetapi kerana kita tidak boleh tembak, boleh ISA sahaja. Bawa ke ISA. Itu hak kerajaan tidak boleh siapa pun pertikai ISA. Tidak boleh bawa ke mahkamah ISA ini. Itulah besarnya ISA.

Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [Seputeh]: Kalau tidak dibawa ke mahkamah kita tidak perlu ada undang-undanglah. Semua masukkan dalam ISA. Curi ayam, curi pen semua masuk ISA.

Dato' Haji Che Min bin Che Ahmad [Pasir Puteh]: Seputeh sebenarnya, Tuan Yang di-Pertua, dia faham because dia ambil law. Saya Islamic law dia civil law. Dia tahu tetapi dia buat tidak faham. Macam lembu Mekahlah. Lembu Mekah ini orang tidak faham. Dia lembu juga tetapi bijak. Jadi saya hendak cerita.

Puan Chong Eng [Bukit Mertajam]: Sikit sahaja Tuan Yang di-Pertua. Saya rasa sama ada Yang Berhormat Pasir Puteh setuju bahawa sama ada ia syariah law kah atau civil law. Yang penting ialah keadilan. Mesti adil, sama ada dia itu Islam atau Islam Hadhari, yang penting ialah Islam adil. Adakah sama? Prinsip itu mesti sama.

Dato Haji Che Min bin Che Ahmad [Pasir Puteh]: Bukit Mertajam, saya baca quote sedikit dengan izin. [Membaca sepotong ayat al-Quran]. Lidah saya tidak fasih. Rasa tidak licin. Doa patuh, wajib kepada kerajaan. Selagi dia tidak mengarahkan kita buat maksiat. Pak Lah, Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri pernah arah kita buat maksiat? Tak ada. Orang buat maksiat boleh tangkap. Jadi dengan sebab itu, taat tidak terlepas. Bermakna wajib taat kepada pemimpin selagi mana dia memerintah suka-suka, atau tak suka wajib. Siapa dia suka 100%. Saya pun tak suka 100% kerajaan. Tapi kalau 1% tak suka, kena taat. 20% tak suka kena taat. Yang Berhormat Bukit Mertajam dia faham.

Saya ambil bab penubuhan lembaga dan juga kuasa lembaga, pegawai bertugas. Saya hendak simpulkan dalam perkataan pendek sahaja. Kalau kita serupa our Prophet Muhammad, dengan izin, our Prophet Muhammad, ada empat sifat. As-Siddiq, amanah dan tabligh, fatanah. Ini hendak menyempurnakan undang-undang, apa pun undang-undang. Kita tahu undang-undang dibuat dengan rapi, dengan research, ada buat research dulu. Di tengok bagaimana Australia,bagaimana London, bagaimana UK, bagaimana Amerika dalam perjalanan parol. Memang baik tapi bawa balik parol ini halau budaya kita Malaysia. Sama juga ambil tarian daripada barat bawa balik negara kita, dia gunakan budaya, tabiat dan budaya kita. Budaya halus. Jangan ambil budaya penyangak bawa balik sini. Begitu juga dengan budaya jalanan. Itu jangan, kita ikut budaya kita.

As-Siddiq maknanya benar. Setiap lembaga, setiap pegawai yang menjalankan tugas, mesti benar, jangan tak benar. Tak benar salah, berdosa. Kita kena tahu. Yang kedua amanah. Amanah erti kepercayaan. [Membaca sepotong ayat al-Quran]. Tidak ada agama orang yang tidak amanah. Orang yang tidak beramanah tidak beragama. Ertinya tidak betul. Maka yang ketiga tabligh, kita mesti sampaikan segala-segala apa yang disebutkan oleh rakan-rakan kita tadi, parol ini hendak dibawa ke mana? Pesalah yang bentuk dadah hendak bawa ke mana? Yang dadah kena bawa pendekatan dia, rakan masjid. Kena bawa rakan masjid. Masjid bukan tempat sembahyang sahaja. Tempat membina insan, menyatupadukan ummah, membina kualiti ummah, kena bawa masjid. Sampai masa sembahyang, itu contohnya. Saya bukan hendak mengajar Timbalan Menteri tetapi disiplin ini penting.

Yang akhir sekali ialah fatanah – bijak. Kita lantik ini orang bijak-bijak. Pegawai bijak-bijak. Bukan bijak sahaja, bijaksana Tuan Yang di-Pertua. Bijak sini, bijaksana. Jangan bijak sini sahaja, sana tak bijak. Itulah saya rasa, saya menyokong penuh kerana 50 tahun kita dapat wujud parol. Sistem parol ini adalah baik kerana 50 tahun angkasawan naik ke bulan, 50 tahun kita boleh wujudkan Rang Undang-undang Orang Kurang Upaya, 50 tahun. Kita wujudkan pula Undang-undang Parol 50 tahun. Dengan ini saya menyokong.

Kit Siang : Rang Undang-Undang Tafsiran (Pindaan) 2007

Ucapan YB Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur] sewaktu perbahasan Rang Undang-Undang Tafsiran (Pindaan) 2007 pada 19 Disember 2007

Tuan Yang di-Pertua, inilah antara langkah untuk membawa negara kita kepada satu e-kerajaan dan 10 tahun sejak pengumuman kerajaan mengadakan Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC)dengan tujuh flagship, satu antara flagship ialah e-government. Sangat jelas bahawa kita sangat lambat dan lewat dalam kemajuan untuk mengadakan e-government. Jika mahu contoh senang, kita pergi ke Parliamentary website. Kenapa sampai sekarang tidak boleh dengan serta-merta semua rang undang-undang yang ada dikemukakan boleh diakses electronic form melalui website Parlimen. Yang boleh dapat dalam semua Parlimen-Parlimen first world, tidak boleh! Apa itu rang undang-undang yang di bentang tidak boleh dapat. Ini yang begitu simple, itu mindset mentaliti yang tidak ada elektronik mentaliti.

Kedua, kalau kita mahu test sama ada kita sedia untuk mengadakan satu mindset untuk e-government, tanyalah 33 orang Ahli Kabinet, adakah semua fasih dalam internet, elektronik. Yang Berhormat Menteri sendiri pun tidak guna komputer dia literate. … tidak boleh ada ‘dinosaur Kabinet’, kalau kita mahu satu elektronik government. Bagaimana dinosaur-dinosaur adalah sebagai menteri-menteri boleh bawa Malaysia masuk elektronik government! Balik kepada zaman dinosaur sahaja bukan masa depan elektronik government. Itu yang mustahak! Apa tujuan elektronik government? Supaya kita lebih cekap, supaya kita lebih berjaya untuk efficient the delivery system kita. Sebab itu kita tidak boleh ada satu kerajaan yang nampaknya begitu tidak efektif.

Sebagai satu contoh yang ada direct connection mengenai perkara ini. Semalam bila ada satu rancangan yang dibuat bahawa adalah patut NGO India ada satu jabatan hal ehwal bukan Islam, Perdana Menteri ada kata ada buat satu reaksi. Namun apa laporan yang kita dapat? Kerajaan tubuh satu Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Bukan Islam, Berita Harian tetapi New Straits Times, - Government considers setting up panel for non Muslims; The Sun - ‘Non-Muslim affairs dept, if necessary; The Star - Non-Muslims looked after - We already have panels to handle their affairs, Abdullah. Yang dahsyatnya BERNAMA - Not Necessary for Non–Muslim Affairs Dept Now, says PM. Ada tiga reaksi akan ditubuh, kedua kita kaji, ketiga tidak perlu, satu ucapan tiga reaksi. Apa itu? Ini bukan satu kerajaan yang cekap, apa elektronik government? Apa elektronik warta yang kita ada? Ini satu simbolik government, ini somnambulant governance! Apa itu somnambulant? Kalau check dictionary somnambulant ialah sleepwalking. Kita ada satu Perdana Menteri sleepwalking through his government.

Adakah dia kata bahawa itu hal ehwal sekarang adalah menteri untuk Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan jaga hal ehwal Buddhist, Menteri Kerja (MIC) Dato’ Seri S. Samy Vellu jaga hal ehwal Hindu, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Dato’ Bernand jaga hal ehwal Kristian. Bila kita tahu adalah mereka pun menjawab yang tambahan bahawa adalah menteri untuk hal ehwal Kristian Dato’ Bernand Dompok, ada menteri untuk hal ehwal Buddhist Dato’ Onn Ka Tiang, ada Menteri untuk Hal Ehwal Hindu Dato’ Seri S. Samy Vellu. Adakah itu? Kenapa Ahli-ahli Parlimen tidak tahu? Bila ini dibuat? Keputusan dibuat? Adakah ini digazet? Bolehkah kita kemukakan soalan kepada mereka? Apa ini Kabinet? Kalau begitu simbolik, begitu somnambulant. Bagaimana e-government boleh berjaya? Pada pokoknya kita perlu ada satu efisien kompeten government, barulah egovernance, e-warta dan lain-lain boleh mendapat hasil yang kita mahu. Kalau pokoknya kita ada satu kerajaan yang simbolik dan somnambulant, kita pun akan mendapat simbolik dan somnambulant e-kerajaan. Saya harap dalam perkara ini kita boleh adalah lebih improve on our kecekapan.

Minggu lalu ada satu pengumuman dibuat oleh Yang Berhormat Timbalan Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi kata banjir kali ini tidak begitu serius, apa sudah berlaku? 28 orang sudah meninggal dunia. Adakah perkara menjadi pokok dibahas dalam Parlimen ini shame kepada Ahli-ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional. Isu ini bukan isu yang pertama, I said shame on all the Barisan Nasional, UMNO MP’s.

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Lim Si Cheng]: Yang Berhormat adakah ini terkeluar daripada perbahasan?

Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur]: Itu ada sedikit keluar tetapi mengenai kerajaan. Yang Berhormat Jasin boleh go all over the world. Banjir tidak pernah bahas dalam Parlimen inilah malu kepada UMNO-UMNO Parlimen yang sudah mengabaikan tanggungjawab mereka. Kerana itu e-government, apa e-government? Bagaimana mangsa-mangsa banjir boleh dapat bantuan melalui e-government? E-warta, ekerajaan bagaimana? Itulah pokok. Saya harap bahawa kita seriuslah... Mungkin perlulah lahirnya, mungkin Yang Berhormat Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri boleh ketepikan masa supaya kita boleh bahas banjir yang nampaknya satu isu yang besar lebih serius daripada dua tahun dahulu sungguhpun ada jaminan dibuat oleh Yang Berhormat Timbalan Menteri bahawa tidak begitu serius. Supaya Ahli Parlimen tidak terus mengabaikan tanggungjawab mereka kepada constituent-constituent kepada mereka. Sekian , terima kasih.

Kit Siang : Rang Undang-undang Penjara 1995 (Pindaan 20007)

Ucapan YB Tuan Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur] sewaktu perbahasan Rang Undang-undang Penjara 1995 (Pindaan 20007) pada 19 Disember 2007

Yang pertama, pindaan ini antara langkah-langkah untuk dengan izin supaya sistem penjara kita lebih humane dan human. Dengan adanya sistem parol, sebenarnya sistem parol ada sejarah lebih daripada 50 tahun di negara-negara yang lain, kita sangat lewat dan lambat dan tujuan pindaan sistem ialah antara lain bukan sahaja untuk menjadikan repudiation, oleh society, deterrence reform tetapi juga tidak mahu ketidakadilan berlaku dalam sistem panel di sini.

Saya mengharapkan, kita mengalu-alukan usaha untuk memperbaharui atau untuk membawa reform dalam sistem penal dan harap bahawa ini lebih menyeluruh, dan sebab itu kita perlulah satu panel reform commission, satu standing commission yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengkaji segala aspek mengenai sistem penjara kita, oleh sebab ada banyak aspek yang tidak perlu diperbaiki khasnya kesesakan dan climate, suasana yang ada di dalam supaya orang yang pergi masuk, tidak keluar. Lebih hardened criminal oleh sebab kita mahu mereka pun jadi insan yang lebih baik.

Tetapi di sini oleh kerana baru berlaku satu insiden yang menunjukkan sistem panel pun harus ada satu mekanisme untuk mengelakkan, menjadi alat di mana menggunakan ketidakadilan, dan sebut mengenai apa yang berlaku kepada 31 orang yang dituduh di bawah tuduhan cubaan membunuh. Penyokong-penyokong Hindraf di Batu Caves dan mereka terpaksa dipenjarakan selama 13 hari oleh kerana tidak dapat dibail out. 31 orang, 13 hari ialah bererti 403 jam yang dibuang masa dalam penjara. Mereka tidak berdosa, akhirnya mereka dibebaskan, tapi untuk 13 hari, 31 orang dipaksa untuk dipenjarakan dan adakah satu mekanisme di mana dalam penjara adalah mereka diasingkan daripada harden criminals. Tentulah dalam perkara ini, ini bukan saja satu block, satu perkara yang memalukan sistem pentadbiran tapi boleh berlaku kepada sistem penjara kalau tidak ada satu mekanisme, satu ruangan di mana mereka tidak di campur aduk dengan harden criminals. Saya harap perkara ini diambil perhatian yang berat.

Tadi Yang Berhormat daripada Barisan Nasional ada bertanya kepada Yang Berhormat daripada Seputeh sama ada dia setuju untuk street protesters handcuff kepada lamp post untuk dua tiga jam. Saya rasa ini sangat shockinglah, tidak mentality. Apa itu street demonstration kalau peaceful, kita hormat. Tentu dia ada pergi London, di London selalu ada street demonstration, peaceful. Adakah di London ada di mana-mana kita pergi Oxford Street, orang dihandcuff kepada lamp post oleh kerana ada street protest di London. Ini menjatuhkan nama baik Parlimen kita sendirilah. Kalau begitu, lebih baik orang-orang Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional yang selalu menimbulkan kacau bilau dalam Dewan ini handcuff di Parlimen dua tiga jamlah, handcuff di Parlimen. Adakah dia mahu? Saya harap bahawa kita ada standard lebih tinggilah, lebih tinggi supaya kita bincang masalah rakyat. Apa ini? Handcuff khasnya Kinabatangan, kepada Sepilok untuk dua tiga hari.

Akhirnya, ini adalah mustahak dan ada the standing Panel Report Commission dan sepatutnya Ahli Parlimen patut terlibat, patut ada Parliamentary Select Committee mengenai prison reform supaya ini tanggungjawab kita dan selama tidak ada Parliamentary Select Committee untuk prison reform, ini kecuaian Ahli-ahli Parlimen. Sekian, terima kasih.

Teresa : Rang Undang-undang Penjara 1995 (Pindaan) 2007

Ucapan YB Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [Seputeh] sewaktu perbahasan Rang Undang-undang Penjara 1995 (Pindaan) 2007 pada 19 Disember 2007

Tuan Yang di-Pertua, tadi saya menyentuh tentang banduan yang menghidapi penyakit yang boleh merebak, seperti chicken pox. Selalunya mereka tidak diasingkan daripada banduan yang sihat. Jadi kalau seorang sakit selepas itu semua banduan di dalam sesuatu sel atau bahagian itu juga sakit. Jadi saya berharap pihak penjara akan mengambil perhatian tentang keadaan kesihatan dari aspek ini.

Tuan Yang di-Pertua, dalam Pindaan Kanun Keseksaan dan Kanun Tatacara Jenayah yang dibentangkan oleh Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas yang dianggotai oleh Ahli Yang Berhormat dari Dewan Rakyat ini, ia termasuk dengan cadangan seperti hukuman khidmat masyarakat ataupun komuniti servis kepada pesalah remaja yang melakukan kesalahan kecil. Jadi saya ingin tanya samada ini telah pun luas dilaksanakan oleh mahkamah ataupun majistret kita. Sebenarnya konsep komuniti servis ini harus diguna pakai pada pesalah dewasa yang melakukan kesalah kecil. Kesalahan kecil seperti mencuri ayam, curi pen dan perkara kecil seperti ini tidak harus dimasukkan ke dalam penjara selama berpuluh-puluh hari ataupun berbulan-bulan.

Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya juga ingin sebut tentang tahanan remaja yang menunggu perbicaraan. Pihak peguam negara dan mahkamah haruslah mengadakan fast track system terhadap pesalah ataupun penjenayah remaja yang membabitkan kesalah kecil seperti menjual VCD haram, mencuri petty crime dan sebagainya. Kesannya, selalunya remaja yang membabitkan kesalahan kecik seperti ini, mereka terpaksa menunggu berbulan-bulan. Kadangkala daripada tiga bulan, ada yang sampai setahun untuk menunggu perbicaraan mereka. Ini adalah amat tidak adil kepada mereka dan selalunya bagi remaja tahanan ini, mereka adalah dari broken homes yang ahli keluarga mereka datang untuk mengenakan bail kepada mereka. Mereka berada di penjara berbulan-bulan.

Dalam lawatan saya di Penjara Kajang pada tahun lepas, saya mendapati tahanan remaja diberi latihan dan sesi kaunseling oleh pihak NGO. Sebenarnya sesi kaunseling berkumpulan seperti ini adalah amat diperlukan di penjara kita. Soalan saya ialah kenapakah ia dilakukan oleh pihak sukarelawan daripada NGO dan pada pandangan saya, mereka ini seharusnya dibayar ataupun digaji oleh pihak kerajaan untuk membantu para tahanan remaja ini untuk balik ke pangkuan masyarakat kerana perkhidmatan seperti ini adalah amat perlu untuk membantu tahanan remaja kita.

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Dr. Yusof bin Yacob]: Gulung Yang Berhormat.

Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [Seputeh]: Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya gulung. Penjara kita sebenarnya memerlukan lebih pekerja sosial. Saya diberitahu setakat ini penjara kita hanya mempunyai warden dan seorang kaunselor yang berpangkat ASP, tetapi tiada pekerja sosial di penjara kita. Sekiranya kita ingin semua banduan di penjara kita balik ke pangkuan masyarakat, warga penjara kita harus diadakan lebih pekerja sosial untuk membantu banduan penjara untuk balik semula kepada masyarakat dan tidak melakukan jenayah lagi.

Dalam Pindaan Kanun Keseksaan yang dibentangkan oleh Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen, kami pernah mencadangkan supaya kaunseling diberikan kepada pesalah seksual seperti perogol dan sebagainya. Saya ingin tahu sama ada ini telah pun dijalankan di penjara kita? Kaunselor dan pekerja sosial merupakan software yang amat diperlukan di dalam sistem penjara kita. Ini haruslah dijadikan satu aspek yang diberi tekanan oleh pihak kerajaan.

Akhir sekali Tuan Yang di-Pertua, walaupun pegawai penjara dan keluarga mereka diberi kediaman di halaman penjara, tapi saya rasa gaji dan elaun mereka haruslah dinaikkan. Ini kerana kadang-kadang waktu kerja mereka bila sekumpulan pesalah ataupun tahanan dimasukkan ke dalam penjara, mereka ada yang terpaksa bekerja dalam tempoh masa yang panjang. Jadi dari segi kebajikan, ia haruslah dipentingkan.

Akhir sekali yang saya ingin tanya ialah, kita ada sistem parol bagi penjara kita. Macam mana dengan pusat pemulihan Simpang Renggam? Saya masih ingat pada beberapa tahun yang lepas rombongan Ahli Parlimen yang melawat Pusat Pemulihan Simpang Renggam, kita mendapati tempat itu begitu sesak dan ada 4 ribu lebih orang dan ada di antara mereka ini tanpa perbicaraan. Jadi kesesakan ini adalah amat menyusahkan mereka, jadi saya rasa parol juga haruslah...

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Dr. Yusof bin Yacob]: Ya, cukup.

Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [Seputeh]: Sebenarnya penahanan di Pusat Pemulihan Simpang Renggam itu haruslah dihapuskan. Ini memang tidak adil tanpa perbicaraan, jadi sistem parol juga haruslah diadakan kepada mereka. Ini kerana saya diberitahu bahawa selalunya penjara diextend dua tahun, dua tahun, dua tahun lagi dalam Pusat Pemulihan Simpang Renggam, tapi kita lihat kadar jenayah kita masih meningkat setiap tahun. Jadi ini membuktikan Pusat Pemulihan Simpang Renggam memang tidak berkesan. Jadi saya menyeru kerajaan menghapuskan pusat penahanan bagi pesalah tanpa perbicaraan di Simpang Renggam. Sekian, terima kasih.

Dr Mahathir: I’m ready to be probed


KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is prepared to be investigated by a full and formal public inquiry if Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim were to become the Prime Minister. However, the former premier said he hoped that those who sit on the board of inquiry would be neutral, impartial and probably foreigners.

“He’s (Anwar’s) welcome to do that if he becomes the Prime Minister of Malaysia, but if he wins members of the ruling party to his side it is the present leader who should be blamed because he can’t even get the loyalty of his own members,” he said during a 30-minute interview on the BBC World News HARDtalk programme with Stephen Sackur.

He was asked to respond to Anwar’s statement that he would call for a full and public inquiry into Dr Mahathir’s misdeeds if Anwar were to become the Prime Minister. Asked whether he was ready to express regret over what he did to Anwar now that he has retired for several years, Dr Mahathir said:

“Why should I regret? He was arrested under the laws of the country. He was tried in the courts of the country. Sentenced by court. If he was not wrong, no matter what you think about our judiciary, I don’t think he would have been sent to prison.” On Anwar saying that he would push politics that were not racially defined, Dr Mahathir said that it was opportunism for Anwar, who was now out of the government but never did anything when he was in the government.

Asked about Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s conciliatory gesture of offering monetary compensation to judges who were suspended during the 1988 judicial crisis, he said:

“Fine, but it’s a political strategy by a man who is very unpopular at the moment wanting to show that he’s going to do something right.”“Nobody can say anything against him. Newspapers report about how great he is. His own supporters misled him into believing that if he holds elections before the end of his term, he would win a clean sweep. If you look at the record of his statements, he said he would win with zero opposition.”

On claims that his criticisms against Abdullah over the last few years had brought his successor down, he said: “I don’t see why I should not criticise wrongdoings by him.”

On why he picked Abdullah to replace him as Prime Minister, he said Abdullah was known as “Mr Clean”.

To a question about some of those with Umno blaming Dr Mahathir for tearing down the party, he said that sometimes it might be necessary to do so.

“I’m a doctor; if one leg is becoming gangrenous I remove it,” he said. (The Star, Apr 22, 2008)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pertukaran Ahli Majlis - DAP kuasai Seberang Perai, P. Pinang

PULAU PINANG 16 April 2008 – Kerajaan Pulau Pinang hari ini mengumumkan senarai anggota Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (MPPP) dan Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai (MPSP) yang terdiri daripada wakil parti politik dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO). Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerajaan Tempatan, Pengurusan Lalulintas dan Alam Sekitar, Chow Kon Yeow berkata, kedua-dua majlis itu masing-masing dianggotai 24 orang yang terdiri daripada golongan profesional dalam pelbagai bidang.

“Mereka yang dilantik telah melepasi tapisan pihak polis, Badan Pencegah Rasuah dan Jabatan Insolvensi,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas mesyuarat Exco kerajaan negeri di sini.

Katanya, MPPP akan dianggotai 10 wakil DAP, PKR (tujuh), Pas (satu) dan NGO (empat) manakala bagi MPSP pula DAP (sembilan) PKR (lapan) Pas (satu) dan NGO (tiga).

“Dua Pegawai Daerah bagi MPPP dan tiga Pegawai Daerah bagi MPSP dikekalkan jawatan mereka,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, wakil NGO terdiri daripada anggota Dewan Perniagaan Melayu, Dewan Perniagaan Cina, Dewan Perniagaan India, Persekutuan Pengilang-pengilang Malaysia (FMM) dan Women Centre for Change. Katanya, majlis angkat sumpah jawatan bagi anggota MPPP dan MPSP masing -masing akan diadakan pada Isnin dan Selasa depan.
– Bernama

Pertukaran Ahli Majlis - Kedah batal ahli lama, lantik yang baru

ALOR STAR 16 April 2008 – Kerajaan negeri Kedah membuat keputusan membatalkan perkhidmatan semua ahli majlis daerah dan perbandaran di negeri itu berkuat kuasa hari ini. Menteri Besar, Azizan Abdul Razak berkata, penamatan perkhidmatan ahli-ahli majlis itu bertujuan melantik ahli majlis baru yang akan bermula esok.

“Bagaimanapun, dua daripada 11 majlis daerah dan perbandaran ini belum meletak jawatan iaitu Majlis Bandaraya Alor Star dan Majlis Perbandaran Sungai Petani kerana belum ada pindaan dibuat. “Semua senarai nama ahli-ahli majlis baru telah pun diserahkan kepada Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri dan akan diumumkan kemudian,” kata beliau kepada kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat Exco di Wisma Darul Aman di sini hari ini.

Menurut Azizan, setiap majlis daerah dan perbandaran akan mempunyai bilangan ahli yang tidak melebihi 24 orang dan selepas diberi taklimat mereka akan mengangkat sumpah di hadapan Yang Dipertua masing-masing.

“Bilangan ahli majlis bergantung kepada keluasan daerah jajahan masing- masing,” jelasnya. - Utusan

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ladang Babi : Media Melayu ayuh jadi pemangkin

Menteri Penerangan dalam ucapan sulung di kementeriannya menyarankan RTM bakal bertindak sebagai "agen perubahan". Minggu lepas, orang awam di Selangor telah dipalitkan dengan isu penternakan babi. Lama sebelum ini, isu babi di Selangor seperti di Tanjung Sepat pernah mendapat liputan luas di TV. Juga di Melaka, penternak babi dipaksa keluar dan cari tempat ternakan baru. Namun isu tersebut gagal untuk diselesaikan secara komprehensif. Penternakan haram terus berleluasa, yang berlesen pula, pengurusannya tak beretika, isu alam sekitar masih tak selesai dan mangsa keadaan masih rakyat biasa, terutama orang Melayu sebab sentimen agama. Tiba-tiba Kerajaan Selangor mengumumkan satu projek yang komprehensif disamping dapat menangani implikasi negatif ternakan babi.

Persoalan utama dalam tulisan ini bukan bagaimana projek itu bakal menyelesaikan isu yang dah berpuluh tahun. Itu tanggungjawab kerajaan negeri untuk menyampaikan secara efektif. Namun isu utamanya ialah bagaimana media arus perdana (elektronik dan cetak), juga ahli politik meng'instrumen'kan isu tersebut untuk menyentap emosi rakyat biasa yang tak sempat mendapat penerangan secukupnya.

Selangor telah mencapai status negeri maju di bawah kerajaan BN. Rakyat Selangor dan Malaysia amnya harus dicetuskan untuk berfikir secara bijak dan rasional sejajar dengan status negeri ini. Pemangkinnya ialah orang berpendidikan yang rapat denagn rakyat. Tak lain tak bukan ialah ahli politik dan orang media. Namun isu ini digembar-gemburkan oleh media arus perdana dengan andaian-andaian cetek dan rakyat biasa disogokan dengan kesangsian dan keresahan. Dengan latar belakang akademik ahli politik dan orang media, mereka tahu impak positif yang dapat disumbangkan oleh keputusan kerajaan Selangor itu, tetapi lebih rela membelakangkan ketinggian intelektual mereka sendiri dengan menyampaikan berita yang mengusutkan keadaan. Penternakan babi yang sistematik dan moden, ditenggelamkan dengan isu-isu subjektif. Dari liputan media, seolah-olah tiada bezanya ternakan cara moden dengan cara tradisional.

Rakyat sudah faham, dalam negara majmuk, menghalang penternakan babi bukan satu pilihan, kerana permintaan tetap wujud, mencecah berbillion ringgit (cukai dikutip kerajaan pun bukan sedikit), tapi bukan itu isunya. Isunya, dari pihak berkuasa bertungkus lumus menjejak pencemaran yang dilakukan penternak babi, lebih baik penternak diberi tempat khas, dididik dan didedahkan denga pengurusan moden, menjamin alam sekitar dan menjamin keselesaan rakyat setempat. Ternakan babi ini, walau dimana pun, memang mendapat tentangan penduduk setempat, jadi lokasi juga mesti mengambil kira supaya pihak berkuasa dapat membuat pengawalan dan pemantauan yang cekap. Jadi cadangan di buat disebuah pulau, mungkin tak praktikal.

Dengan ini tak perlulah Karam Singh Walia keluar masuk ladang babi. KSW boleh beralih kepada isu yang lebih berat, disamping membongkar kelemahan sistem perundangan dan pengurusan alam sekitar yang disimpulkan denga pantun-pantun sadisnya. Wartawan seperti beliau patut diramaikan lagi, begitu juga dengan Wan Kamarudin (walaupun trademark 'apakah jadahnya' agak keras). Meraka adalah wartawan yang membuat orang berfikir.

Sedikit masa dulu, ramai pemimpin mengatakan Malaysia punyai infrastruktur kelas pertama tetapi mentaliti kelas ketiga. Diharap melaui tulisan ini kita berjumpa sebahagian jawapannya. Banyak pihak bersetuju, salah satu punca keputusan PRU memihak kepada pembangkang sebab media terlalu banyak melaporkan hal negatif tentang pembangkang. Namun mereka masih tidak mahu mengambil iktibar dan memperkecilkan tahap pemikiran rakyat marhaen.

Kegusaran yang jelas dari situasi ini ialah bagaimana acuan pemikiran rakyat yang hendak melangkah hidup dalam negara maju, sedangkan agen pembentukan minda rakyat iaitu media, belum terlepas dari kongkongan dunia ketiga. Sebagai agen perubahan, mereka patut sudah sampai ketahap pemikiran kelas pertama. Hanya 12 tahun saja lagi menjelang Malaysia dinobatkan setaraf dengan Singapura, negara maju. (Rakyat juga faham peranan media kerajaan atau pro kerajaan yang menyebelahi kerajaan, tetapi jangan pula kebenaran yang tak menyebelahi pemerintah disulam dengan cerita-cerita 'twillight zone'.

Saranan Menteri Penerangan untuk RTM menjadi agen perubahan, harus disambut oleh agensi media yang lain.Namun peubahan yang dimaksudkan mesti holistik, pemikiran dan pendekatannya. Mungkin ya atau tidak, kredibiliti dan integriti media patut dijadikan satu 'pre-requisite' untuk pengiktirafan sebagai negara maju. Sebabnya mudah saja, bagaimana untuk menjana dan mengekalkan minda kelas pertama dikalangan rakyat jika agen penyebaran maklumat hanya dikelas ketiga.

Pihak media harus menunjukan pada rakyat yang mereka memiliki 'set of thinking' yang betul dan berwibawa. Paparkan pada rakyat maklumat yang disiarkan hasil dari 'methodology' yang kukuh. Rakyat harus digalakan berinteraktif dengan maklumat yang tepat. Reputasi media akan dipersoal jika mereka memainkan isu tanpa 'homework' dan sumber yang tak ' reliable'. Kerajaan mensasarkan 40% rakyat mempunyai pendidikan formal sekurangnya diploma. Ini harus dijadikan 'benchmark' intelektual rakyat. Ada pihak mengatakan terlalu banyak hiburan dihidangkan oleh media dan unsur-unsur 'hedonisme' telah menjalar dengan subur. Ini akan kita bincangkan di lain ruangan.

Pentadbir dan pengamal media mesti melihat apa sumbangan mereka dalam membentuk minda masyarakat supaya pemikiran rakyat sentiasa berinteraktif dengan suasana dalam dan luar negara. Tingkap untuk melihat dunia luar dan masa depan adalah media TV dan suratkhabar, kerana keduanya masih popular dan menjangkau keserata pelusuk negara.

Di awal kebangkitan nasionalisme Melayu, golongan guru dan wartawan lah yang berperanan besar dan golongan ini dihormati untuk sekian lama. Mereka berjuang untuk mengubah 'mind set' rakyat ketika itu. Golongan inilah yang mencetuskan artikel-artikel yang memberi acuan yang betul dalam membentuk pemikiran rakyat masa itu.

Namun bila masa beredar, golongan guru tidak lagi disanjung. Jika watawan dan orang media pula bakal tidak dihargai dimasa depan, 'sendiri mau ingatlah', jika mereja sendiri merendahkan martabat profession mereka. Mereka harus menjaga taraf intelektual mereka tanpa di 'barter-trade' kan dengan gelaran, banglo,mercedes dan saham. ('media' merujuk kepada televisyen dan suratkhabar arus perdana) (dari blog : rainwonder.blogspot)

My version of the truth

By Raja Petra Kamarudin

Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek has warned Bloggers that there are no ‘untouchables’ and none are immune from prosecution. This is what Bernama reported:

The alternative media are not as untouchable as the public may think, Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek said on Tuesday. As such, he said, even though the people had the right to write whatever they wish through Blogs and other online media, they could still be subjected to actions under the law if they defame others.

"People think that the alternative media could do what they want. This is not true. Recently there were cases against some of these Bloggers," he told reporters after launching the First International Journalism Fellowship organised by the Malaysian Press Institute at the University of Malaya here.

Ahmad Shabery also said that the government had the responsibility to protect others from untruths and slander. With technology available today, cyber forensics would be able to trace and detect the identity of online writers or slanderers even though they might use the anonymity of the Internet or a different name as a shield, he said.

I am certainly glad that the new Information Minister raised this issue but I feel he has probably overlooked some very pertinent points. Therefore, as my civic duty and in the spirit of community service, allow Malaysia Today to correct some misconceptions he laid out lest he be put in the same class as the previous Information Minister who told the international media in a live telephone interview that Malaysia has an erection every five years. I don’t know about Malaysia, but my wife can testify that over five years I can get it up at least 1,800 times. And I am not even a horny old man, mind you.

Anyway, back to the issue of the day. First of all, Blogs and the Internet media are not the ‘alternative media’. According to the media baron, Rupert Murdock, by the year 2030, the print media would be rendered extinct and by then the electronic media would have fully taken over the market. Going by the media taiko’s reckoning, the electronic media is fast becoming the mainstream media while the print media is on its way out.

At the height of the Vietnam War, four out of five Americans depended on the print media for their news. Today, only two out of five Americans still depend on the print media. The rest have turned to the electronic media.Indonesia, which used to sell 12 million newspapers a day during the Reformasi days, now sell only half that, in spite of the large increase in population. A 50% drop in the backdrop of a 20% increase in population means that the drop is more than 50%, if calculated on a per capita basis.

The greatest threat to newspaper owners like himself, said Murdock, is how to migrate from the print media to the electronic media and still stay viable. The print media depends on advertising revenue to stay in business, explained Murdock. Revenue from newspaper sales alone is not enough. It would be even worse with the electronic media where most are now free and you need not buy any subscription to read the news online. This means 100% of your revenue would have to come from advertising, and because there are about 100 million Blogs and websites worldwide, this would create a very competitive environment with so many people chasing the same, limited advertising revenue.

Okay, take note of the politically-correct words and phrases to use. We are the ‘electronic media’. We are not the ‘alternative media’. And what the government calls the ‘alternative media’ is going to completely take over the market of what the government calls the ‘mainstream media’. If they really need to define which is which, then the politically-correct terms would be ‘government-owned media’ and ‘independent media’. Yes, the so-called ‘mainstream media’ is actually the ‘government-controlled media’ while the so-called ‘alternative media’ is the ‘independent media’.And that is the basic ingredient of a free media. It is free by virtue of it being free from subscription and it is also free by virtue of it not being government-owned or government-controlled. So you can’t control the free media if not then it would not be called the ‘free media’. And the new Information Minister had better brush up on his vocabulary and take note of this new terminology so that when he next delivers a speech or makes a press announcement he does not cling to the ‘old school of thought’.

Now, on the second point about the government needing to protect people from lies and making sure that they are given the truth, this is again something we most welcome and would certainly be prepared to meet him to talk about it in greater depth. Maybe he can join us at the National Press Club or some other suitable venue for a night of fellowship, two cases of wine, and ten crates of beer. Knowing the members of the Press Club who are heavy boozers, I am confident that most Bloggers and members of the media would be extremely happy to join him in this fellowship, especially if the wine and beer flows non-stop.

On a more serious note though, there are some very alarming news coverage from what the Minister would call the ‘mainstream media’, which borders on rabble-rousing and sabre-rattling and would most certainly fall within the ambit of a crime under Malaysia’s Sedition Act. I have been monitoring the government-controlled media and it absolutely perturbs me that they appear unaware of the adage ‘loose lips sink ships’. And, of late, there are undoubtedly many loose lips let loose in the government-owned media.

Dear Information Minister, let us get one thing very clear which I hope you will also make clear to the government-owned media. First of all, no Malay states fell to Chinese hands on 8 March 2008 like how they are spinning it in the government-controlled media. What happened was that some Barisan Nasional-led states fell to Pakatan Rakyat, which has now formed the new state governments. Furthermore, it is not about Malays losing political power to the Chinese, also like how the government-controlled media is spinning it. It is a coalition party of Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Dayaks, etc., losing some of their states and their two-thirds majority in Parliament to another coalition of Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Dayaks, etc.

In short, some political power shifted from the left pocket to the right pocket; that’s all. Anyway, let us, for the sake of argument, go along with the government propaganda and agree that some ‘Malay states’ fell into ‘Chinese hands’ -- even though we know this is not true. Is that so wrong? Where does it say in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia that this should not be allowed? In fact, the Constitution is even silent on whether the Prime Minister must be a Malay or whether a Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Dayak, etc., can become the Prime Minister. Let me enlighten you on the correct term to use here. It is called ‘democracy’, something that still eludes Barisan Nasional.

Umno is still the party with the most number of seats in Parliament. It got more than half the 140 seats that Barisan Nasional won. Umno’s seats are almost at par with the number of the seats the three opposition parties won combined. Umno got 78 seats while the three opposition parties combined got only 82. And only 28 of the 82 are DAP seats. The balance 31 from PKR and 23 from PAS could be considered ‘Malay’ seats seeing that these two parties are viewed as Malay-based parties (at least this is what they all say). Therefore, Umno’s 78 and PAS’s 23 would give the Malays 101 seats in Parliament. Add the PKR Malay seats to that and the ‘Malay’ seats would be more than half the 222 Parliament seats.

Aiyah, how many ‘Malay’ seats you want? More than half not enough or what? Cukuplah. Malays represent about 55% or so of this country’s population (Bumiputeras about 60%). So, if the number of ‘Malay’ Parliament seats is also about 55% then that should suffice and would be quite fair. Why must the Malays scream that they want 80% of the seats? Isn’t this not only greedy but also unfair to the balance 45% of the non-Malay population?Umno lost only 32 seats this time around compared to the 2004 general election. When compared to the 1999 general election, the drop is only about a dozen or so. This is a very small decline. The Indians and Chinese, however, almost got wiped out. Therefore, it is not the Malays who suffered but the non-Malays.

If anyone should be screaming it should be the Indians and the Chinese and not the Malays.In 2004, Umno got 110, PAS 9 and PKR 1. That would make it 120 Malay seats out of a total of 222 Parliament seats. (We are not even including the Malay seats from Sarawak yet, which would make the number of Malay seats even higher). Therefore, the non-Malays got less than 100 seats, and even lesser when we minus the Sarawak Malay seats.This time around, Umno got 78, PKR 31, PAS 23, and Sarawak was almost a clean sweep. This means the ‘Malay’ seats actually increased in 2008 over 2004 and 1999, which also means it was the non-Malays who suffered while the Malays gained ground.

Mister Information Minister, please explain this to all Malaysians, in particular Malays who are foaming at the mouth while shaking their keris. Yang rugi orang bukan Melayu. Orang Melayu menang lagi banyak kerusi banding dengan dulu. That is fact. That is truth. But the government-owned media is distorting this and is getting the Malays all worked up into a frenzy.And once you do this maybe then we can meet and talk about more intelligent and matured things becoming of your status as the Minister of Information. – Malaysia Today

ADUN Tanjung Sepat akui pergi Jerman dan Thailand


SHAH ALAM 15 April - Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Tanjong Sepat, Datuk Dr. Karim Mansor menafikan beliau terlibat dengan syarikat yang bertanggungjawab mengemukakan cadangan ladang penternakan babi di Kuala Langat. Menurutnya, beliau akan mempertimbangkan tindakan undang-undang terhadap akhbar Oriental Daily jika terdapat unsur fitnah terhadapnya berhubung dakwaan itu. Bagaimanapun ketika ini, beliau belum membaca keseluruhan terjemahan wawancara akhbar berkenaan kerana mengerjakan umrah.

Dalam wawancara menerusi telefon dari Mekah, Dr. Karim berkata, semasa Barisan Nasional (BN) menerajui kerajaan negeri, semua urusan berhubung cadangan itu diketuai bekas Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Pelaburan, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan negeri, Datuk Tang See Hang. Menurutnya, beliau tidak tahu syarikat tempatan mana yang terbabit secara usahasama dengan syarikat dari Jerman yang diberi tanggungjawab untuk mencari jalan mengadakan pemodenan ladang babi.

''Ini kerana kertas cadangan projek ini dikemukakan sendiri oleh syarikat terbabit kepada Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (UPEN) dan jawatankuasa khas yang dipengerusikan oleh See Hang. "Saya tidak boleh masuk dalam Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Negeri (MTES) mahu pun mesyuarat Exco. Jadi saya tidak faham bagaimana nama saya dikaitkan," katanya.

Beliau berkata, pembabitan syarikat bumiputera dengan pelabur Jerman itu mungkin kerana dasar kerajaan yang mensyaratkan pemilikan ekuiti bumiputera dalam syarikat usahasama luar.

"Saya tidak pasti sejauh mana kebenaran dakwaan ini. Tetapi saya fikir ia berhubung kait dengan syarat pelaburan asing. Saya percaya juga jika ada syarikat bumiputera, ia pastinya di kalangan bumiputera bukan Islam," katanya.

Dr. Karim mengaku beliau turut bersama pemimpin tempatan termasuk Ketua Kampung Ladang Tumbuk melawat ke Jerman dan Thailand untuk meninjau kaedah penternakan babi moden.

''Saya pergi atas kapasiti sebagai wakil rakyat Tanjung Sepat bagi mengumpul maklumat untuk orang ramai jika mana-mana kaedah diguna pakai oleh kerajaan negeri untuk menyusun semula penternakan babi di Selangor,'' katanya.

Beliau turut menyokong pelaksanaan ladang babi moden bagi memenuhi keperluan domestik dengan syarat ladang-ladang babi sedia ada ditutup terus.

"Atas sebab itu kita telah adakan kajian dan rundingan dengan penternak babi sejak tiga tahun lalu," katanya.

Menurut beliau, ini merupakan antara usaha-usaha yang dilakukannya sejak dipilih sebagai ADUN Tanjung Sepat pada 2004. Bagaimanapun kata Dr. Karim, beliau dan penduduk membantah projek itu kerana projek tersebut yang berdekatan kampung orang Melayu tidak mengambil kira pandangan penduduk dan kajian kesan alam sekitar terlebih dahulu. - Utusan

Johor bakal jadi muzium UMNO - Azizan

IPOH 15 April 2008 - Pakatan pembangkang antara Pas, DAP dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) berhasrat menguasai beberapa negeri lain pada pilihan raya umum akan datang dan meninggalkan Johor kepada UMNO sebagai 'muzium'. Menteri Besar Kedah, Azizan Abdul Razak berkata, matlamat berkenaan boleh dicapai selepas pakatan pembangkang itu berjaya menawan Kedah, Perak, Pulau Pinang dan Selangor pada pilihan raya umum lalu. Katanya, antara negeri yang akan mereka rampas daripada Barisan Nasional (BN) dan UMNO selepas ini ialah Perlis, Terengganu dan Pahang.

''Kita akan menguasai semua negeri seperti Perlis, Terengganu dan Pahang pada pilihan raya umum akan datang dan kita mahu tinggalkan Johor kepada UMNO sebagai muzium. ''Kalau orang mahu tengok UMNO, pergilah ke Johor,'' katanya di hadapan kira-kira 50,000 hadirin pada Majlis Perhimpunan Rakyat di Stadium Perak anjuran pakatan pembangkang di sini malam tadi.

Azizan mendakwa, kejayaan Pas, DAP dan PKR mengambil alih kerajaan negeri di Kedah membolehkan rakyatnya bebas daripada pemerintahan UMNO dan membolehkan mereka hidup di bawah kerajaan baru yang lebih mesra rakyat. Menurutnya, ia jelas terbukti apabila kerajaan campuran Pas, DAP dan PKR negeri Kedah tetap mempertahankan industri padi di negeri itu kerana ia membekalkan 53 peratus beras negara.

''Sebab itu kita buat keputusan agar projek Zon Industri Petroleum Yan (ZIPY) tidak akan dibuat di kawasan sawah padi kerana kerajaan bimbang ia akan menjejaskan bekalan beras. ''Ini membuktikan kerajaan terdahulu membawa industri itu tanpa menghiraukan kesengsaraan rakyat kerana mengambil tanah sawah yang subur seluas 1,200 hektar untuk memajukan projek itu,'' katanya.

Sementara itu, Menteri Besar Perak, Ir. Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin berkata, kerajaan negeri percaya dapat menarik pelaburan berjumlah hampir RM16 bilion apabila pelabur asing yakin dengan kestabilan politik di negeri ini. Katanya, pelabur asing juga didapati tidak menghadapi masalah untuk melabur di negeri ini selepas pakatan pembangkang mengambil alih pemerintahan negeri ini.

''Selepas dua minggu dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar, saya telah menerima kunjungan pelabur dari Asia Barat, Amerika Syarikat dan Eropah yang berminat untuk melabur di sini. ''Kita juga menerima lawatan rombongan 20 ahli perdagangan antarabangsa iaitu dari Eropah, Jerman, Perancis dan beberapa negara lain yang berminat untuk melabur di negeri ini,'' katanya. - Utusan

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Gobind defined by his famous father

My MP: Puchong
Full name: Gobind Singh Deo

Party: DAP
Age: 35
Marital status: Married to Sangeeta Sidhu
Children: Jadyn (three years) and identical twins Keeshaan Karpal and Kayden Karpal (six months)
Constituency: Puchong, Selangor
Education: LLB (hons) University of Warwick, Britain
Profession: Lawyer

LIKE it or not, people define Gobind Singh Deo as the son of DAP national chairman and prominent lawyer Karpal Singh. But the 35-year-old, despite wanting to be his own man, takes it in his stride.

“I don’t see it as a pressure, but of course it has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s a very useful way of introducing myself but the expectations (from others) are much higher. I have to do a lot more in order to get recognised. It’s good in a way as it reminds me constantly that I have not just my own reputation to keep, but also my father’s and my family’s,” said the Puchong MP. Gobind made his debut in the 12th general election and defeated Gerakan’s Lau Yeng Peng by 12,593 votes.

“I will never forget the experience,” he said, recounting the intense campaigning period when he was hugged and even kissed by supporters. He received tremendous help from a number of aged DAP members who had all the information at their fingertips but the fondest memory of all was perhaps the ones involving his father.

“He came to Puchong twice to support my campaign, and he was unwell during one of these trips from Penang. “I could see that he was very tired and words cannot describe how I felt. You can see how great a man he is when he does things like this. Very seldom he thinks about himself, and everybody, especially his family, comes first for him,” said Gobind.

On the night, or rather in the early hours of March 9, when he was announced the winner, Gobind called his father to deliver the good news.

“He is very proud that he has a son in Parliament with him now. As for me, I don’t think I can ask for anything more. It’s magical.“In years to come, I will tell my grandchildren how their grandfather and great-grandfather used to fight side-by-side and were in Parliament together,” said Gobind with a smile.

He added: “Having my father around is very reassuring to me. He doesn’t interfere in what you do, but when you turn to him, he is not without advice.”

Gobind is now wearing one more hat after winning in the elections, along with his profession and several existing political positions, but he is confident that he can juggle the various responsibilities.

“My father has been doing this all his life. I can learn from him,” he said. “Being an MP is not just about introducing yourself as a representative, it’s about building the relationship with the people. Elections come and go, nothing is certain in the future but the relationship you build with the people in your constituency will remain forever.”

How much time to do you spend on the computer?

An average of two hours a day, to read the blogs of Lim Kit Siang, Jeff Ooi, Ronnie Liu and Tony Pua, and online newspapers such as The Star Online and Malaysiakini. People are exchanging ideas online these days and political dialogue is ongoing in cyberspace. It’s important to keep in touch with that.

Do you blog?

I am in the process of setting up one. I want to have a multilingual blog in English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil. It will contain information about what I do in the Puchong constituency. It will also be a platform for intelligent exchange of ideas. I am open to criticism and I want people to tell me our shortcomings.
Do you dance? I don’t dance but for Punjabis, you have to move a little bit when you attend weddings (laughs). I got a few moves.

What kind of music do you listen to?

I have a great passion for contemporary music. In fact, I have a very large CD collection and a complete music system at home. However, I find that I am moving towards classical and old Hindi songs now as they relax me more. I was a DJ when I was in university. I can spend the whole day just listening to different types of music, and try to get the tunes to merge and mix to create a different type of sound. It’s very interesting.

What do you read?

Law books. Also political biographies by Nelson Mandela and Lee Kuan Yew.

Are you into English Premier League?

I am a Liverpool supporter. And I know I will lose half of my supporters in Puchong if I say that (laughs). But I also enjoy watching Arsenal and Manchester United play. My favourite player was Arsenal’s Thierry Henry – he played at his own pace and still produced results.

Name your favourite brew.

Punjabi tea. I have to have my tea every day and I insist that my wife makes tea for me every morning, even if I have to leave at 4am. She makes very good tea.

What is your usual drink?

I enjoy my whisky. Normally I make it a point to meet up with friends frequently because I don’t want to lose touch with them. I have very funny friends who really know how to make me laugh. It’s a way to de-stress.

What languages can you speak?

English, Malay, a few words of Punjabi and a little bit of Hokkien. I was born and schooled in Penang, where everybody speaks Hokkien.

What’s your favourite food?

Whatever my wife cooks (laughs). I really like simple Punjabi food. (Wife Sangeeta interjected: “He is a real good cook.”) I love cooking and I spend a lot of time cooking. I cook all sorts of dishes, Chinese, Indian, Italian.

Do you have a dog/cat?

I love fish and dogs. We have three Golden Retrievers, one Labrador Retriever, one German Shepherd and one Doberman. We keep three with us and my mother-in-law keeps another three. All of them have different and unique characters. The dog can sense it when you are feeling upset and depressed. It’s very strange but they know. It’s amazing. During the election period, I came back home about 2am or 3am and the dog would be waiting for me. The moment I came back she was so happy. I looked forward to it and would even wake her up if she was sleeping.

Name an idol (dead or alive) whom you look up to and why.

That would be the 10th Sikh Guru Gobind Singh. I idolised him. He was a great warrior who fought fearlessly for his people. He was prepared to sacrifice everything to achieve what he believed in. I always derive a lot of strength from him when I look at his image. (Gobind has a picture of the Guru as his laptop’s wallpaper.) My father is probably the only other person I know who has similar qualities to the Guru.

You have a weakness for ...

Children. I get very upset when I see a child in a difficult position. Every year, we celebrate our eldest son’s birthday with the orphans. I hope this country will set up stronger organisations to take care of the homeless children and the disabled. (The Star : Apr 15, 2008)

Analysis of the 2008 General Election of Malaysia

Centre for Strategic Knowledge

The 2008 General Election saw the most crushing blow for the Barisan Nasional coalition since independence in 1957. The opposition managed to garner 82 seats in parliament and capture the states of Selangor, Penang, Perak, Kedah and retain the seat of Kelantan. The Barisan Nasional now has lost their two-thirds majority in Parliament and with that losing their power to amend the constitution.

Why did the Barisan Nasional suffer this unexpected 'loss'? Several factors can be attributed to this historic event.

The opposition managed to run an effective campaign during the campaigning period which did a more striking job in winning the hearts and minds of the people. The use of the internet, sms and projectors by the opposition in a more effective manner than the Barisan Nasional coalition played a crucial role in the outcome of the election. A lot of political commentators had made the point that the Barisan Nasional was running a cosmetic and pretentious campaign based on empty slogans and had failed to touch the nerve of the public. This has future implications for the electoral process in the country. Political parties have to be savvier in the use of mass communications media especially the 'new' media, namely the internet and mobile phone technology.

The economic factor played an important role in the results of the General Elections. First of all, it is important to note that the General Election of 2008 took place shortly after the worst world stock market crash since September 11. Since we are living in a globalise economy, Malaysia has been heavily affected by trends in international stock markets. Furthermore, since the banking industry in Malaysia is reliant on the international banking system, the economics of the country have been heavily tied to the problems of the Central Banks in the developed nations.

Another economic factor in this General Election result was the rising price of goods or more commonly known as inflation. It is worthy to note that the price of cooking oil went up a few weeks before the General Election. Consumers were given a limit on how much cooking oil they could buy even though Malaysia was the biggest exporter of palm oil. This has definitely angered a lot of voters. The rising price of goods is related to the rising price of petrol and gold as the cost of transportation of goods is increased. Since oil has reached 100US dollars per barrel, the Malaysian economy has seen a downward trend. Also poor economic policies like the consistent increase in the price of cigarettes in successive budgets have raised the displeasure among the population.

The decreasing value of the US dollar has played a significant role in the slowdown of the Malaysian economy as Malaysia continuously informally pegs its value against the US dollar, the value of the ringgit has decreased as the price of gold has increased. The decreasing value of the US dollar means less money for exporters as trading is done in US dollars.

Here it is interesting to note that a lot of political observers believe that the Mahathir Administration is more superior to the Badawi Administration in terms of economic policies. A lot of political commentators believe that the Mahathir Administration saved the country from economic bankruptcy during the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 -1998 and thus, political and economic dependence on the IMF and the World Bank and hence the Western governments. As can be seen from recently concluded conference on Islamic finance, Mahathir's understanding of the Federal Reserve System, the international banking industry and the use of gold in financial systems is far more superior to his successor, Abdullah Badawi. It could be said that the country could have weathered the storm of the recent financial crisis in the banking industry and the stock markets under the leadership of Mahathir. Badawi's failure in his economic policies played a decisive role in influencing the voters in this General Election.

The release of Anwar Ibrahim had strengthened the political power of the opposition. Anwar Ibrahim, being a charismatic leader with good oratory skills had managed to attack the Badawi administration effectively and managed to arouse the crowd during the ceramahs in the campaign of the General Election. He also managed to reconcile the differences of PAS and DAP to form an effective coalition for the opposition during the General Election. Some political observers had made the point that Anwar Ibrahim had been campaigning since his release. A lot of scandals of the Badawi Administration, for example the Lingam tape issue were exposed by Anwar Ibrahim. He had also made a global impact through his interviews in BBC and Al Jazeera. This factor is one of the most important of the outcome of the General Election.

The Bersih rally, which occurred in the months before the General Election, had a massive impact on the result of the General Election. This rally for electoral reform was the first huge rally since the Reformasi movement and managed to show the strength on the opposition and influence the people about the weakness of the Badawi administration. The rally was very well attended with estimates ranging from 40,000 – 100,000 people. The heavy handed approach of police of using tear gas and chemically laced water cannons had aroused the people's anger. The incidents of the rally were covered by the three major international news networks, BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera. The rally had also raised the issue of electoral fraud which many suspect had occurred in previous General Elections. Many political observers have made the comment that fraudulent practices in the electoral process have been reduced because of this rally.

The strong showing for PAS has shown that Islamism (which is different from Islamisation) is on the rise. The ideology of PAS which is based on Islam compared to the ideology of UMNO which is based on Malay nationalism with the influence of Islam had made a stronger appeal particularly among the Malay voters who had voted for the opposition. Here, we can parallel the rise of Islamism in Malaysia with the rise of Islamism globally. Such factors like the victory of Hamas in the Palestinian Authority elections, the Prophet Muhammad cartoon issue, the issue of the Islamic veil, the so called “War on Terror”, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the rise of Al Qaeda, the effective propaganda of the Islamist on the internet and other issues pertaining to Islam had managed to shift the Malay Muslim mind to a more Islamic stance which was taken up by PAS.

Also Mahathir's had organised several conferences which were very anti-Western in nature. These conferences were well attended by PAS supporters and had managed to galvanise support for PAS. Mahathir also made several political meetings with PAS leaders like Nik Aziz who had praised Mahathir for attacking the Zionist regime. This had influenced a lot of Malay voters who admired Mahathir to vote for PAS.

Another factor which contributed to the outcome of the General Election was the confrontation between Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. This confrontation began with the Singapore bridge issue when the Badawi Administration decided to scrap a mega project which was previously planned by the Mahathir Administration which involved building a bridge linking Malaysia and Singapore. Mahathir had criticised Badawi for his subservience to Singapore which he claimed had asked Badawi to scrap the project. The issue had erupted to a point that state television had to come up with an explanation giving the Badawi spin on the issue. Also Badawi's foreign policy stance had angered Mahathir for his lack of anti-western zeal. Badawi's approach to Islam was consistently attacked by Mahathir. Even opposition websites like Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today had highlighted and used Mahathir's remarks for the benefit of the opposition.

The confrontation reached a critical point when Mahathir decided to run as a delegate to the General Assembly. Many claim that Badawi had used money politics to deny Mahathir the election as a delegate. Mahathir had claimed that Badawi had used the police to prevent the functions where Mahathir was supposed to speak to take place. All this factors had managed to influence public opinion that had a negative impact on Badawi. Also Badawi's outstanding success in the previous 2004 General Election was attributed by many political commentators to previous Mahathir's Administration policies. This factor and the UMNO delegate election fiasco influenced a lot of Malaysian minds to the ungratefulness of Badawi to Mahathir and had influenced them to vote for the opposition.

The Badawi administration approach to Islam which is the official religion of Malaysia as stated in the constitution of Malaysia and is the religion of the Malays contributed to the major setback of the Barisan Nasional coalition in the General Election. When Abdullah Badawi came into power, the Administration introduced the concept of Islam Hadhari or Civilisational Islam. Many opposition figures and even Tun Dr. Mahathir himself had said there was no need to add the word Hadhari as the word Islam was sufficient to express the religion. It even became a source of ridicule in the internet when there was harsh criticism of it in a blog which created a major uproar and became a police case. Also, to say there is a civilisational Islam implies that there is a barbaric side to Islam, noted one Islamic preacher.

Many people were also dissatisfied with Islam being compartmentalised into ten points and it could be argued by them that Islam is a more comprehensive religion. Badawi's failure on many policies like anti-corruption, foreign policy, the economy, and other issues as one non-Muslim lawyer pointed out, there was a lack of implementation of the principles that were preached in Islam Hadhari. Also, as one blog had stated Islam Hadhari was introduced to appease the West and to counter the growing tide of Islamism globally that was affecting Islam in Malaysia. This had angered many Muslims who were dissatisfied with Western foreign policy. Because of this many voters resorted to vote for the opposition.

When the Abdullah Ahmad Badawi came into power, one of his major policies was to fight corruption. However as the years progressed there were many scandals which exposed rampant corruption among the Badawi administration. For instance, the Approved Permits scandal which involved Rafidah Aziz came into the spotlight of the mainstream media when the Internet exposed this scandal. This scandal involved the awarding of Approved Permits to import cars to a few elitist billionaires. Another major scandal involved the Terengganu state government and an individual named Patrick Lim who is close to the Prime Minister. This individual was said to be allowed to attend official State Exco meetings and held enormous influence over the Prime Minister.

This practice of nepotism and corruption had showed a high level of hypocrisy among the public especially among the Chinese voters who were fed up with the corrupt practices of the Malay controlled public service and government. Besides this two scandals, Malaysiakini which is opposition oriented and Malaysia Today which is spearheaded by Raja Petra Kamaruddin brought into light many corruption scandals on a weekly basis that had informed the educated public and hence trickled down to the masses. All this scandals had tarnished Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's image as Mr. Clean as he was previously known. This had played a significant role in the election result.

One reason for the BN success in previous General Elections was the dynamic role of the Mahathir Administration in foreign policy issues. The attack on Western foreign policy and policies like the Look East policy gave the public in Malaysia direction in connection to global matters. This was lacking in the Badawi Administration which some observers said was very stale in terms of foreign policy at a time of rising globalisation of issues. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi also had made good relations with leaders such as George W. Bush and John Howard which is perceived as being too anti-Islamic among the Muslim masses. Also, the Badawi Administration had criticised fundamentalism many times as opposed to Mahathir Mohamad which called himself fundamentalist. His lack of clarity on the Hamas election victory and his soft stance on the Israeli-Hezbollah war in Lebanon had angered a lot of Muslim voters who had shifted their support to PAS.

One important point to take into account in the results of this General Election is the involvement of the Prime Minister's son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin in the political scene of Malaysia. Ever since Abdullah Ahmad Badawi came into power, Khairy Jamaluddin played an influential role in politics and business. He had become UMNO deputy youth chief on grounds many say, was on the virtue of his father-in-law being the prime minister. He also got involved in many scandals namely the ECM Libra scandal which involved trading of shares in this investment bank which became very prosperous under the Badawi administration. He had also made racial remarks about the Chinese race which angered a lot of Chinese voters.

A lot of media spotlight had been focussed on him and this had exposed the blatant nepotism as many political observers put it which shifted the voter's minds against Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. For example, there was a series of articles called the 'Khairy Chronicles” in Malaysia Today. Numerous books had been written by prominent political observers claiming the nepotism and corruption involving Khairy. In the just concluded General Election, Khairy ran for the Rembau parliamentary seat. All this factors had transformed a lot of voter's minds to the blatant hypocrisy of the Badawi administration to fight corruption and nepotism.

The issue of the marginalisation of the Indian community came into the forefront in this General Election. When Abdullah Ahmad Badawi formed a new government in 2004, he was asked by a BBC reporter about the state of the Indian community. His reaction was there was as though there was nothing wrong with the Indian community and he had said that the problems would be handled by the MIC, the Indian component party in the Barisan Nasional. The Indian community had been migrants to British colonial Malaya mainly as indentured labour. Ever since independence, the Indian community among the three major races in Malaysia had suffered the most politically, economically and socially. Poverty levels among the Indian community are very high. They have the highest suicide rate, highest crime rate, and highest alcoholism rate. The Indian race is mostly Hindu and they were also angered several temple demolitions. All this came to a peak in a rally organised weeks before the General Election by Hindraf (Hindu Rights Action Force). The rally was organised to submit a memorandum to the British High Commission. It was meant to be a peaceful demonstration.

However, the police under executive orders tried to stop the roadblocks and detained Indians along the highways leading to Kuala Lumpur. Somehow, the rally took place in KLCC and the police used heavy handed tactics such as using tear gas and chemically laced water cannons to break up the rally. All this was perceived to be blatant racism by many in the Indian community. The rally also grabbed international headlines in the three international networks, namely CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera. Even the US and Indian governments made comments to the Malaysian Government. This brought into the limelight the plight of the Indians globally and had tarnished the image of the Badawi administration. It is estimated that 89- 90% of Indians voted for the opposition. This is may explain why the MIC faired poorly in this General Election. Even the MIC President, Samy Vellu had lost his parliamentary seat which had been a 'safe' seat in previous General Elections. One of the Hindraf 5 leaders detained under the Internal Security Act had won the seats he was contesting in.

The Ketuanan Melayu concept also had a big impact on the outcome of this General Election. This concept which expounded on the special privileges of the Malays as everlasting heirs to the land of Malaysia was heavily publicised during the Badawi Administration. The keris (traditional Malay dagger) wielding by Hishamuddin Tun Hussein the UMNO Youth Chief during UMNO General Assembly had touched on the sentiments of the public and made a lot of non-Malays feel very uneasy. This concept is heavily linked to the New Economic Policy. The New Economic Policy (NEP) had noble goals of eradicating poverty and abolishing the identification of race with occupation. However, the NEP as many political observers say has been used as a tool to enrich the Malay elite. These Malay elite which represent the status quo of UMNO used the Ketuanan Melayu concept to justify the false and hypocritical practices of their modified NEP. The DAP and the PKR which ran on a manifesto of replacing the NEP with a more equitable policy had managed to swing a lot of voters to the opposition, especially the non-Malay block.

Another factor that contributed to the 'victory' of the opposition particularly the DAP and PAS was a creation of a new dimension in Malaysian politics. During the Badawi Administration there were numerous cases of tension between the Malay Muslims and the non-Muslim non-Malays, namely the Moorthy case and the Revathy case. This tension had led to the polarisation of non-Malay voters to the DAP stance of a secular state and the Malay voters to a more Islamic ideology of PAS. The PKR under Anwar Ibrahim was a bridge between these two parties. This coalition appealed to many as it was a coalition of understanding of ideologies rather than a coalition based on race relations of the Barisan Nasional.

The track record of the mainstream media during the Badawi Administration was as one of The Sun's (a local English daily) editor put it was a miserable failure. Many had reached this conclusion because of the pretentious reporting compared to the reporting of the new media. The NSTP editor was sacked under the Badawi administration over his comments of the Saudi Royal Family. As Tun Dr. Mahathir had pointed out Badawi had appointed Kalimullah as the editor of the NSTP and this individual according to Mahathir had been a spin doctor who had supported Badawi's cause. Mainstream media, both electronic and print had failed to give a clear picture on what was actually going on. This was evident in the Bersih and Hindraf rallies. Also, many headlines were brought into the mainstream media after it was highlighted in the new media. The mainstream media also failed to do a good job during the campaigning period offering cosmetic propaganda and not addressing the real issues which concerned the voters. Many voters were also fed up with this constant barrage of propaganda and decided to vote for the opposition.

The new media particularly the internet played an important role in the outcome of the General Election. Two websites namely Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today disseminated more information so that voters could make a more informed judgement in the polls. Also publicity was given to the websites when police action was taken against these two websites. Besides these two websites, there are numerous other blogs, websites and interactive services in the internet that managed to shift the hearts and minds of many Malaysians to the opposition. The Barisan Nasional coalition underestimated the power of the internet and failed miserably in using it as a tool to reach out to the public. Even though internet penetration is low in Malaysia, the outcome of this General Election showed that information managed to pass through internet users to non-internet users effectively. As the saying goes “Gossip spreads like wildfire.”

In a recent speech months before the General Election, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had explained that the police wielded enormous power and influence within the Barisan Nasional status quo. The Badawi Administration had even used the slogan of a safer Malaysia under the police. The rampant corruption of the police force and its misguided policies such as the handling of the Bersih and Hindraf rallies played a crucial role in the support for the opposition. Besides this a bill for an independent commission overseeing the practices of the police was blocked in Parliament.

Implications for the future

The first major implication is the high possibility of the resignation of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi before the next General Election is held. This is because the Barisan Nasional had suffered its worst lost in its history and the Prime Minister had even lost his own state increasing the pressure on him to resign. Mukhriz Mahathir, the son of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had written a letter calling for the resignation of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi just two weeks shortly after the General Election. Badawi's resignation would mean pro-Mahathir forces would have a stronger influence on UMNO and hence the Barisan Nasional as Mahathir's attacks before the General Election played a crucial role in poor showing of the Barisan Nasional under the Badawi Administration. One important point is that if pro-Mahathir forces take over, it would mean a stronger and more firm stance on foreign policy issues. Also, the resignation of Badawi would mean the weakening or some would even say the destruction of political power of the Prime Minister's allies particularly Khairy Jamaluddin.

Secondly, it appears that Malaysia is heading to a two-party system with the Barisan Nasional on one hand and the Barisan Rakyat (DAP, PKR and PAS) on the other. Before this General Election, the Barisan Nasional had an overwhelming majority in Parliament and had only lost at the most two states. This meant that the opposition had little voice in publicising their views and also highlighting their political aims. Now since the Barisan Rakyat has won 82 parliamentary seats and is in power in 5 states, the ability to push their political agendas such as the abolition of the ISA and the reforming of the NEP is stronger. The situation now reflects two major political blocks and mirrors a two party system. Furthermore, previously because of the overwhelming majority of the Barisan Nasional, attendance levels at Parliament and State level legislatures were low and debate in Parliament was treated insignificantly. This situation has changed dramatically. As one lawyer put it, if this goes on now the Barisan Rakyat will have the opportunity to enact legislation in Parliament. Also, since the Barisan Rakyat has access to more resources, it will be able to strengthen its political base.

One characteristic of the DAP, PKR and even PAS is that they are multi-racial parties as opposed to the race based politics of the Barisan Nasional. This has brought a new dimension to Malaysian politics. Voters are not voting by racial lines anymore, instead they are voting on the strength of political ideologies. The weakening of race based politics means that the Barisan Nasional has to take a more universal approach in its decision making instead of relying on consensus among its race-based parties.

Another implication of this General Election is the significant weakening of component political parties in the Barisan Nasional coalition. Many political commentators have even reached the conclusion that the MIC and Gerakan are politically 'dead'. Some have said that Gerakan has lost Penang forever. It is interesting to note that Barisan Nasional component parties that did very badly in this General Election were non-Malay parties. Therefore you could safely say that the non-Malay mind has shifted to the political ideology of the opposition.

Since the result of this General Election has shocked many it has gained a lot of attention and publicity among the public. This has raised the political awareness of the public in Malaysia. More people will register to vote and become more active in politics. Also, the political ideas of the Barisan Nasional and the Barisan Rakyat will come under closer scrutiny by the public. More people will be interested in the issues being debated both in the mainstream media and the 'new' media.

A further implication of the result of this General Election is that the mainstream media will be forced to become less cosmetic and more balanced in terms of its reporting of the issues that concern the voters. This is because people read between the lines of the pretentious reporting and portrayal of the image of the Barisan Nasional coalition. The Barisan Nasional coalition will have to realise it is in its own interest to make the mainstream media more balanced as this would give voters the impression that issues are being debated.

The 'new' media particularly the internet played a massive role in the outcome of this General Election. This has definitely been the conclusion of many political commentators who have said that internet usage will be on the rise because people have realised that it has appeared to be a more credible and more concrete source of information. Websites like Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today will become more mainstream and hence information in this websites will be disseminated more widely. More people will use the power of the internet through blogs and websites to express their political views and hence a more open debate about political issues will take place.

As economic factors played an influential role in the General Election result, new approaches to economic policies will have to be formulated by both the Barisan Nasional and the Barisan Rakyat. This is because the poor handling of the economy will have negative consequences for the public particularly the business community. The global economic banking crisis will have a major impact on the Malaysian economy and hence politicians will have to formulate wise economic strategies to counter this problem. The stock market will also have to be stable as a crash in the stock market will give an opportunity to the opposition and anti-Badawi forces within the Barisan Nasional an opportunity to undermine the government. Many economists have said that changes of the capitalistic model of Malaysia will have to be made. Drastic measures like a minimum wage and reforms in social welfare will be more heavily demanded if the economy slows down. Another economic policy, the scrapping of the fuel subsidy will not be implemented as this would anger the public further and shift their minds to the opposition.

Since the corruption factor played a major role in the outcome of the General Election, the phenomenon of corruption and nepotism will decrease. This is because politicians on both sides of the political spectrum have realised that corruption and nepotism has angered the public to such an extent that there was a political 'tsunami' in this General Election. Scandals exposed by the 'new' media and also the control of five states by the opposition would mean a further weakening of the Barisan Nasional coalitions practice of fraudulent activities such as corruption and nepotism.

Another implication of this General Election result is more attention will be paid to the needs of minorities particularly the Indian community. The Barisan Nasional will now have to reformulate its policies concerning minorities as many parties such as the MIC and the PPP have been severely weakened. The Barisan Nasional will also have to find more credible leaders among the minorities to portray a serious determination to overcome the problems of minorities. As the minority vote played a significant role in the results of the General Election, more publicity and attention will be given to the issues concerning their plight.

The shock election result and the strong showing by the Barisan Rakyat have shown that Anwar Ibrahim has played a significant role in the outcome of the General Elections. This has meant the revival and the increase of status of Anwar Ibrahim as a political leader. Many political observers believe that once Anwar Ibrahim is legally able to stand for a Parliamentary seat and if he wins, he will become the Parliamentary Opposition Leader. This means that political debate in Parliament will be taken more seriously by the Barisan Nasional coalition as Anwar Ibrahim oratory skills can make a significant impact on the debate in the Parliament.

With the strong showing of PAS in this General Election, a further implication of this is of the rise of Islamism in Malaysia particularly among the Malay Muslims community. This trend is parallel to global trends of the rise of Islamism especially since the post-September 11 period. Furthermore international issues that concern the Islamic community especially the occupation of Palestine, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and Islamaphobia will be more heavily espoused by certain quarters of the political spectrum.

The 'victory' of DAP and PKR which ran on a platform of reviewing and reforming the NEP will bring this issue to the forefront of Malaysian politics. Already, one of the first moves of the DAP-led Penang state government was to make a public statement of the abolishment of the NEP. There was also a special programme on the Al Jazeera network regarding this issue. The debate on the NEP would mark a significant change in the dimension of Malaysian politics as it was previously regarded as a taboo subject and tantamount to sacredness by certain Malay quarters. Many say the NEP has deviated from its original aims of eradicating poverty by benefiting a Malay elite and ignoring the needs of the poor regardless of race.

Conclusion The results of the 2008 General Election has created a new dimension in Malaysian politics. New issues and ideologies have come into play into the dynamics of the political system. For the first time in Malaysian political history, there is a strong and viable opposition to the once powerful Barisan Nasional coalition. The public because of the information revolution have made a significant shift in their mindset. Multiracial politics has become an important force as opposed to the race-based politics which was practised by the Barisan Nasional coalition. The outcome of the General Election will also mean that there can be more open debate on race, religion and policies like the NEP.

Globalisation has also played a crucial role as Malaysians are exposed to political systems and ideologies elsewhere around the world. The globalisation factor has also meant that world economies are interconnected and hence can influence the dynamics of the political system in Malaysia. The future of Malaysian politics will be shaped by political forces that understand the roots and causes of the outcome of this General Election. This will allow them to tackle issues that will arise from the implications of the General Election result.

ADUN Tanjung Sepat taukeh babi

Isu babi Selangor: Syarikat bumiputera, bekas Adun Umno terlibat

KUALA LUMPUR, 14 April (Hrkh) - Syarikat bumiputera turut terlibat dalam projek penternakan babi di Selangor yang menimbulkan kontroversi minggu lepas dan seorang wakil rakyat Umno "di belakangnya", kata seorang pemimpin MCA.

Menurut laporan Malaysikini, syarikat tersebut, yang terlibat dalam satu usahasama, bercadang menggunakan wang - dilaporkan menelan belanja RM100 juta - daripada sumber-sumber dana program alam sekitar Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB).

Mendedahkan perkara itu kepada satu sidang media hujung minggu lalu, ketua biro pertanian tradisi MCA Dato' Dr Lee Chong Meng berkata syarikat bumiputera itu berhasrat membawa masuk teknologi Jerman untuk projek tersebut.

Akhbar The Sun hari ini yang mengutip laporan The Oriental Daily kelmarin menyebut, wakil rakyat BN-Umno bagi kerusi Tajung Sepat, Datuk Karim Mansor, bersama seorang ketua kampung di situ turut bersama dalam rombongan ke luar negara untuk melihat teknologi tersebut.

Karim antara pemimpin Umno yang lantang membantah isu itu di akhbar-akhbar berbahasa Melayu minggu lepas.

Sementara ketua kampung di Ladang Tumbuk - tempat projek itu diadakan - turut menyertai bantahan projek tersebut di depan bangunan kerajaan negeri Selangor di Shah Alam.

Rabu lalu, 200 penduduk kampung di sekitar Sepang mengadakan tunjuk perasaan di hadapan Bangunan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Selangor sebagai membantah projek berkenaan.

Dr Lee berkata beliau mengetahui segala-galanya tentang projek tersebut "seperti tapak tangannya sendiri" kerana terlibat sendiri dengan semua mesyuarat berhubung perkara tersebut.

Menteri Besar Selangor waktu itu Dato' Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo sendiri telah meluluskan projek pemindahan 132 ladang babi ke projek tersebut, kata Dr Lee, melalui dua ahli exco kerajaan negeri Datuk Ch'ng Toh Eng dan Datuk Tang See Hang.

Dr Lee menambah, sebelum pembubaran parlimen, kerajaan Selangor bawah pentadbiran BN meluluskan projek tersebut dan Karim sendiri menyokong projek tersebut.

Ketua biro MCA itu kesal kerana Karim dan ketua kampung itu sanggup membantah projek tersebut semata-mata kerana kepentingan politik.

Karim, dihubungi Malaysiakini hari ini, menafikan beliau membantah projek tersebut.

Sementara itu sumber-sumber PKR memberitahu, risalah-risalah penerangan tentang isu tersebut - termasuk maklumat yang didedahkan oleh MCA ini - akan diedarkan kepada penduduk Selangor.

PAS sebelum ini dilaporkan akan menemui rakyat Selangor untuk menjelaskan isu tersebut yang mendapat liputan meluas - yang membawa kesan negatif kepada pentadbiran Pakatan Rakyat - di akhbar-akhbar berbahasa Melayu selama beberapa hari minggu lepas. - mks.

RM500,000 for reps accounted for, says Khir

Tuesday April 15, 2008

PETALING JAYA: All disbursements of the RM500,000 annual allocations to Barisan Nasional assemblymen in the previous state government are recorded and accounted for at the district offices, said former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo. The RM500,000 was Selangor Barisan’s annual allocation to each state assemblyman to be used for mesra rakyat (people friendly) projects.

“It saddens me that the new government chooses to go on with wild allegations. Mosques, churches, temples and other places of worship benefited from this allocation. “We are not worried about such punches that are below the belt because the records are with the various district offices,” said Dr Khir, who is the Sungai Panjang state assemblyman.

Former Teluk Datuk state assemblyman Datuk Ei Kim Hock, who is the Selangor MCA secretary, confirmed his annual allocation was used before the general election in March.

“The money was used to settle outstanding allocations promised in previous years and also for mesra rakyat programmes, including buying computers for poor students, and helping to pay for gotong royong events.”

Ei said that the amount was used up very fast because people expected the state assemblymen to help out financially in various projects.

“The money is not enough every year but we try our best to accommodate all financial requests,” he said. The RM500,000 never reached the state assemblymen in cash. Instead, the amount was allocated to the district office and the state assemblymen would inform the district officers where the money should be dispersed. “All payments are accounted for. You can check with the district office,” said Ei.

Former Pandamaran assemblyman and Klang MCA chief Datuk Teh Kim Poo said the new government should move forward and not start a witch-hunt on a non-issue.

“Sending letters asking for an explanation from present current and former Barisan state assemblymen is a waste. All the records are with the district offices,” he said.

Former Seri Andalas assemblyman Kamala Ganapathy said her conscience was clear and that the money reached the intended groups of people – schools and associations.- The Star : Tuesday April 15, 2008

Anwar: 20% royalties for Sabah if Pakatan forms govt

Tuesday April 15, 2008

KUALA LUMPUR: If Pakatan Rakyat forms the Federal Government, Sabah will get up to 20% of royalties from oil and gas and timber, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said. More schools would be built and help would be given to the poor there, he told reporters after a rally to celebrate the end of his exile from active politics at the Sultan Sulaiman Club field here last night.

Asked if he would run for Parliament, he said it was too premature to talk about it because the MPs had not been sworn in yet. He said he needed about a couple of weeks as defections could only take place after the swearing-in.

He reiterated that the Pakatan Rakyat government is ready to form the Federal Government and was now waiting for the right time and the right numbers. He said they had already secured the number of MPs but Pakatan Rakyat wanted to form the Federal Government with a strong majority and that none of the MPs had been bought over.

As to who from Pakatan Rakyat should be the Prime Minister, he said he did not see why PKR president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail could not be the first Malaysian woman Prime Minister. However, he cautioned that any decision made by Pakatan Rakyat would be done through consensus. He added that it was not a priority for him to enter Parliament but to ensure that all the states under the Pakatan Rakyat government were administered well and to continue negotiations with those who believe in their agenda.

At about 10.30pm, the police interrupted Anwar's speech to tell him that it was time to wind up. Earlier, Anwar, who arrived at 9pm, was greeted with cheers and chants of reformasi.

Thousands of supporters turned up at the celebration with heavy presence of Federal Reserve Unit personnel and water cannon trucks but there was no untoward incident. The crowd dispersed around 11.30pm. City CPO Muhammad Sabtu Osman told reporters at the police contingent headquarters here later that no arrest had been made.

“However, we will review whether we could arrest anyone for attending the rally which was held without a permit,'' he said. - The Star : Tuesday April 15, 2008