Friday, July 11, 2008

Liputan Kes Liwat Anwar (9 Julai 2008)

‘Tergesa-gesa, cari perlindungan’

KUALA LUMPUR 9 Julai – Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dinasihatkan tidak tergesa-gesa menuntut diadili mengikut peruntukan qazaf kerana dakwaan liwat yang dibuat oleh bekas pembantunya, Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan masih lagi dalam siasatan polis.

Penasihat Persatuan Peguam Muslim Malaysia, Datuk Paduka Zaitoon Othman berkata, tindakan Anwar membawa isu liwat itu ke Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI) seolah-olah menjadi satu usaha untuk ‘mencari perlindungan’ atas dakwaan liwat yang masih belum dibuktikan.

“Dia (Anwar) boleh buat apa sahaja termasuk aduan qazaf, tetapi mengapa dia terlalu cepat mengadu sedangkan isu liwat itu masih belum selesai disiasat polis.

“JAWI perlu membuat siasatan, terpulang kepada JAWI sebelum ia mengambil sebarang tindakan susulan,” kata Zaitoon ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Beliau mengulas tindakan Anwar yang membuat laporan kepada JAWI untuk meminta jabatan itu menyiasat dakwaan liwat oleh Mohd. Saiful di bawah peruntukan qazaf, iaitu membuat tuduhan bohong mengenai zina.

Seksyen 41 Akta Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Wilayah Persekutuan) 1997 menyebut: “Mana-mana orang yang menuduh orang lain melakukan zina tanpa mengemukakan mengikut hukum syarak empat orang saksi lelaki atau ikrar orang yang dituduh adalah melakukan suatu kesalahan.”

Jika disabitkan dengan kesalahan qazaf, seseorang boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM5,000 atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh tidak melebihi tiga tahun atau kedua-duanya.
Ketika ditanya keperluan untuk mengemukakan empat saksi semasa pertuduhan di Mahkamah Syariah, Zaitoon menjelaskan:

“Ia merupakan satu keperluan jika mengikut hukum syariah. Prosesnya jelas. Tetapi, ia tetap bergantung kepada budi bicara hakim itu sendiri.”

Sementara itu, seorang peguam terkenal, Dr. Ridzuan Ibrahim berkata, isu qazaf hanya timbul seandainya terdapat tuduhan zina.

“Ia tidak merujuk kepada tuduhan liwat seperti yang dihadapi Anwar sekarang. “Kes itu masih dalam siasatan polis. Anwar membuat aduan qazaf yang hanya boleh digunakan untuk kesalahan zina,” ujarnya.

Beliau berkata, aduan Anwar itu hanya prosedur biasa yang akan disiasat oleh JAWI.
“Saya pasti JAWI akan jalankan siasatan terhadap aduan Anwar. Dia memang berhak membuat sebarang aduan seandainya merasakan diri teraniaya,” jelas beliau.

Menurut peguam syarie, Fakhrul Azman Abu Hasan, Anwar sebenarnya sudah ‘melompat’ daripada prosedur yang sepatutnya.

“Proses siasatan baru dimulakan. Masih belum ada sebarang pertuduhan, terlalu awal untuk Anwar mengadu kepada JAWI,” ujarnya. - Utusan

Langkah Anwar sesuai syariah

Abdul Rahim Sabri Malaysiakini : Jul 9, 08 8:23pm

Persatuan Peguam Muslim Malaysia (PPMM) menyokong langkah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim membuat aduan kepada Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI) berhubung dakwaan liwat terhadapnya agar ia disiasat sebagai kesalahan qazaf.

"Langkah Anwar bertepatan dengan peruntukan mahkamah syariah kerana peruntukannya lebih khusus berbanding akta Kanun Keseksaan," kata timbalan presiden PPMM Muhamad Burok ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini petang ini.

Menurut Seksyen 41 Akta Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Wilayah Persekutuan) 1997, "mana-mana orang yang menuduh orang lain melakukan zina (atau liwat) tanpa mengemukakan, mengikut hukum syarak, empat orang saksi lelaki atau ikrar orang yang dituduh itu adalah melakukan suatu kesalahan."

Beliau, yang juga penasihat Persatuan Peguam Syar'ie Malaysia, menambah bahawa ada peruntukan khusus dalam akta tersebut.Seksyen 25 akta tersebut menyebut seseorang lelaki yang melakukan liwat adalah melakukan suatu kesalahan dan boleh didenda tidak lebih RM5,000 atau dipenjarakan tidak lebih tiga tahun atau disebat tidak lebih enam sebatan atau dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Muhamad menjelaskan, Kanun Keseksaan tidak menyebut secara khusus kesalahan liwat, hanya menyebut perhubungan seks luar tabii.

"Kanun Keseksaan mengenai kesalahan-kesalahan hubungan seks luar tabii, (iaitu) Seksyen 377, 377(a), 377(b), 377(c), 377(d) dan 377 (e)," katanya."Kesalahan (hubungan seks) luar tabii misalnya adalah (hubungan seks) luar tabii dengan haiwan," katanya.

Penasihat PKR pagi ini mengadukan isu laporan polis Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan - yang mendakwa diliwat oleh tokoh pembangkang itu - bulan lepas kepada unit siasatan, bahagian penguatkuasaan JAWI.

"Dan saya telah dinasihatkan membawa kes ini mengikut undang-undang dan peruntukan qazaf. Jadi, (saya) minta bahagian penguatkuasaan buat siasatan segera," kata Anwar selepas aduan.

Seseorang yang disabitkan dengan kesalahan qazaf boleh didenda tidak lebih RM5,000 atau dipenjarakan tidak lebih tiga tahun atau kedua-duanya. Anwar diiringi oleh isterinya dan juga presiden PKR Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail dan dua peguam, Ahmad Shabrimi Mohamed Sidek dan Kamar Ainiah Kamaruzaman.Lagipun, tambah Muhamad, sistem keadilan jenayah syariah juga mengandungi sumpah syarie yang tidak ada pada mahkamah sivil.

Ikut nasihat ulama, Anwar buat aduan 'qazaf' di Jawi

Azamin Amin Foto Wan Zahari Wan Salleh Wed Jul 09, 08 12:57:28 pm MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, 9 Julai (Hrkh) - Penasihat KeADILan, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim hari ini membuat aduan berhubung isu fitnah yang dilemparkan ke atasnya di Bahagian Penguatkuasaan Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI).

Anwar hadir dengan ditemani oleh isteri beliau yang juga Presiden KeADILan, Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail beserta dua orang peguamnya iaitu Ahmad Shabrimi Mohamed Sidek dan Kamar Ainiah Kamaruzaman.

"Atas nasihat ulama dan peguam, saya telah membuat aduan kepada bahagian penguatkuasaan, membersihkan nama saya dan keluarga daripada fitnah jahat dan mengaibkan ini.

"Dan saya dinasihatkan membawa kes ini mengikut undang-undang peruntukan 'qazaf'. Jadi, (saya) minta bahagian penguatkuasaan buat siasatan segera," katanya kepada pemberita.

Sementara itu Kamar Ainiah menjelaskan kepada pihak media, hukuman dan makna 'qazaf' yang termaktub dalam undang-undang syariah di negara ini.

Menurut seksyen 41 Akta Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Wilayah Persekutuan) 1997, "mana-mana orang yang menuduh orang lain melakukan zina (atau liwat) tanpa mengemukakan, mengikut hukum syarak, empat orang saksi lelaki atau ikrar orang yang dituduh itu adalah melakukan suatu kesalahan." kata Ainiah.

'Qazaf' katanya ialah tuduhan palsu terhadap zina dan jika sabit boleh dihukum tiga tahun penjara atau denda RM5,000 dan ianya merupakan kesalahan dalam hukum hudud di mana seorang penuduh yang terbukti bersalah boleh dikenakan 80 kali sebatan.

Turut ditanya berhubung isu sumpah yang turut dibangkit pelbagai pihak demi membersih tuduhan terhadapnya dan Anwar menyatakan mengikut pandangan ulama yang melarang berbuat demikian.

Malah katanya sumpah menjunjung al-Quran tidak ada nas atau dalilnya dalam Islam.
"Saya tidak boleh ikut cabaran. Kalau mahu guna al-Quran, guna Islam ianya mesti ikut syarak...bukan isu politik atau isu peribadi. Ini nasihat yang diberi oleh ulama dan saya tunduk dengan nasihat itu.

"Kalau mereka kata perlu jawab sumpah, kita jawab. Tapi setakat ini ianya isu jenayah kalau 'you' buat tuduhan, 'you' kena jawab," kata bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu.

Peguam Anwar pertahan 'qazaf', tempelak Mufti Perlis dan Nik Aziz

Thursday, 10 July 2008


Peguam Kamar Ainiah Kamaruzzaman mendakwa cadangan yang dikemukakan oleh Mufti Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin dan disokong oleh Menteri Besar Kelantan, Nik Aziz Nik Mat, supaya anak guamnya, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan Saiful Bukhari Azlan bersumpah adalah salah dan tidak mengikut syarak.

“Ini adalah kesalahan jenayah yang serius. Dalam soal ini sumpah (bermubahalah) tidak boleh diguna pakai seperti mana yang beliau katakan,” katanya kepada mStar Online.

Kamar Ainiah berkata sumpah biasanya digunakan untuk membuktikan pemilikan harta atau hak milik.

“Sumpah juga boleh digunakan oleh pasangan suami isteri iaitu apabila si suami mendakwa bahawa isterinya telah melakukan zina dengan orang lain. Beliau tidak perlu mengemukakan bukti.

“Isterinya juga perlu bersumpah untuk menafikan perkara itu. Namun selepas kedua-duanya bersumpah maka secara langsungnya ikatan perkahwinan mereka akan terputus,” tambah beliau.

Katanya Anwar hanya boleh bersumpah jika bukti-bukti yang dikemukan Saiful tidak kuat dan lemah.

“Saiful boleh kemukakan seberapa banyak saksi, tetapi jika bukti yang diberikan tidak kukuh, maka Anwar akan bebas dari tuduhan.

“Namun selepas itu kesalahan itu akan kembali kepada Saiful,” katanya.

Katanya lagi, dalam kes dakwaan liwat oleh Saiful terhadap Anwar, peruntukan yang harus digunakan ialah ‘qazaf’.

“Qazaf digunakan apabila seseorang itu membuat tuduhan terhadap seseorang, tetapi dia tidak dapat mengemukan bukti melalui empat orang saksi (lelaki beriman) mengikut syarak.

“Jika pendakwa (Saiful) tidak boleh mengemukan saksi mengikut hukum syarak maka kesalahan itu akan dikembalikan kepadanya,” kata Kamar Ainiah.

Kes ini disiasat di bawah Seksyen 41 Akta Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Wilayah Persekutuan) 1997 jika sabit kesalahan boleh dihukum tiga tahun penjara atau denda RM5,000.Ianya merupakan kesalahan dalam hukum hudud di mana seorang penuduh yang terbukti bersalah boleh dikenakan 80 kali sebatan. Tambah beliau ‘qazaf’ digunakan bagi mengelakkan orang ramai membuat sebarang dakwaan yang boleh menjatuhkan maruah seseorang individu secara sesuka hati.

Ditanya bagaimana seseorang wanita yang dirogol mampu mengemukakan bukti mengikut Syarak, beliau berkata masyarakat harus tahu membezakan antara rogol dan zina.

“Rogol lain, zina lain. Senang jika kita nak buktikan wanita dirogol iaitu melalui keadaan fizikalnya atau kerosakan pada alat sulitnya.

“Zina pula dilakukan dengan rela tanpa paksaan. Kebanyakan kes, wanita yang berzina mendakwa dirinya dirogol setelah mereka hamil, mereka buat laporan setelah beberapa bulan,” terang beliau.

Dalam kes dakwaan liwat Saiful, Kamar Ainiah berkata beliau (Saiful) sepatutnya membuat laporan awal jika beliau benar-benar diliwat.

“Sepatutnya beliau tampil lebih awal. Bukannya setelah ‘diliwat’ beberapa kali seperti yang didakwa,” katanya.

Ditanya bagaimana Saiful mampu mengemukan bukti dia diliwat kerana sudah pasti tiada siapa yang melihat kejadian itu, beliau berkata itu terpulang kepada Saiful untuk buktikannya.

"Dia yang buat dakwaan, jadi dia kena buktikan. Kalau dari awal dia tahu tak dapat kemukakan bukti, lebih baik berdiam diri," katanya.

Beliau juga musykil dan hairan mengapa Saiful sebagai seorang yang muda dan berpelajaran tidak menghalang dirinya daripada ‘diliwat’.

“Kalaulah benar, Saiful sepatutnya bertindak melawan, bukan membiarkan sahaja,” katanya.

Mengulas mengenai tarikh perbicaraan kes ini, beliau berkata perkara itu terpulang kepada kepantasan pegawai pendakwaraya menjalankan siasatan.

“Hari ini Datuk Seri (Anwar) buat aduan. Kemudian pendakwaraya akan mengambil keterangan daripada Saiful.

“Kemudiannya siasatan akan dilakukan sebelum perbicaraannya dimulakan,” katanya. – Malaysia Today

Fatwa Dr Taha Jabir al-'Ulwani mengenai fitnah terhadap Anwar Ibrahim

Terjemahan Ustaz Zainuddin Hashim

Harakahdaily : Wed Jul 09, 08 4:43:07 pm MYT


Telah berlaku satu isu yang menggemparkan banyak pihak di Malaysia baru-baru ini, berhubung mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang dituduh terlibat dengan perlakuan liwat, pihak berkuasa Malaysia berusaha untuk memanggil kedua-dua individu yang menuduh dan dituduh agar melakukan angkat sumpah untuk membuktikan pihak yang benar dan salah.

Apa pandangan Islam berhubung tindakan angkat sumpah berkenaan, apakah pihak yang dituduh perlu berbuat demikian bagi membersihkan dirinya daripada fitnah atau tuduhan itu seperti sumpahan orang yang terlibat dalam kes pembunuhan?

Jawapan Dr Taha Jabir al-'Ulwani:

Menurut Imam Ibnu al-Qaiyim al-Jauziyah dalam kitabnya at-Turuq al-Hukmiyyah dan beberapa pandangan ulama, mereka menolak dakwaan atau tuduhan yang datang daripada seorang yang dilihat tidak berlaku adil, khususnya daripada setiap tindakan, cara hidup terhadap orang yang mempunyai kedudukan baik dalam masyarakat, di mana dakwaan seumpama itu disifatkan sebagai 'Qazaf' dengan membawa empat orang saksi, ia bersandarkan kepada ayat 4, Surah an-Nur maksudnya:

4. "Dan orang-orang yang melemparkan tuduhan (zina) kepada perempuan yang terpelihara kehormatannya, kemudian mereka tidak membawakan empat orang saksi, maka sebatlah mereka delapan puluh kali sebat; dan janganlah kamu menerima persaksian mereka itu selama-lamanya; kerana mereka adalah orang-orang yang fasik;

Firman Allah lagi menerusi ayat 11-19, Surah an-Nur maksudnya: "11. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang membawa berita yang amat dusta itu ialah segolongan dari kalangan kamu; janganlah kamu menyangka (berita yang dusta) itu buruk bagi kamu, bahkan ia baik bagi kamu. tiap-tiap seorang di antara mereka akan beroleh hukuman sepadan dengan kesalahan yang dilakukannya itu, dan orang yang mengambil bahagian besar dalam menyiarkannya di antara mereka, akan beroleh siksa yang besar (di dunia dan di akhirat).

Sepatutnya semasa kamu mendengar tuduhan itu, orang-orang yang beriman - lelaki dan perempuan, menaruh baik sangka kepada diri (orang-orang) mereka sendiri. dan berkata: "Ini ialah tuduhan dusta yang nyata. Sepatutnya mereka (yang menuduh) membawa empat orang saksi membuktikan tuduhan itu. oleh kerana mereka tidak mendatangkan empat orang saksi, maka mereka itu pada sisi hukum Allah, adalah orang-orang yang dusta.

Dan kalaulah tidak kerana adanya limpah kurnia Allah dan rahmatNya kepada kamu di dunia dan di akhirat, tentulah kamu dikenakan azab siksa yang besar disebabkan kamu turut campur dalam berita palsu itu; -

Iaitu semasa kamu bertanya atau menceritakan berita dusta itu dengan lidah kamu, dan memperkatakan dengan mulut kamu akan sesuatu yang kamu tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang sah mengenainya; dan kamu pula menyangkanya perkara kecil, pada hal ia pada sisi hukum Allah adalah perkara yang besar dosanya.

Dan sepatutnya semasa kamu mendengarnya, kamu segera berkata: "Tidaklah layak bagi Kami memperkatakan hal ini! Maha suci Engkau (Ya Allah dari mencemarkan nama baik ahli Rumah Rasulullah)! ini adalah satu dusta besar yang mengejutkan".

Allah memberi pengajaran kepada kamu, supaya kamu tidak mengulangi perbuatan yang sedemikian ini selama-lamanya, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang beriman.
Dan Allah menjelaskan kepada kamu ayat-ayat keterangan (hukum-hukumNya); kerana Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.

Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang suka terhebah tuduhan-tuduhan yang buruk dalam kalangan orang-orang yang beriman, mereka akan beroleh azab siksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya di dunia dan di akhirat; dan (ingatlah) Allah mengetahui (segala perkara) sedang kamu tidak mengetahui (yang demikian)."

Sesungguhnya sejarah gerakan Athisme dan Komunisme di dunia Arab secara khusus melatih perkaderan di peringkat akar umbi untuk menonjolkan akhlak yang songsang yang dilemparkan terhadap pimpinan ahli agama Islam yang komited dengannya, ia adalah cara untuk memburukkan nama baik dan imej mereka kepada umum (kerana mahu meraih kepentingan tertentu) agar umum tidak lagi percaya dan memberi sokongan kepada ahli-ahli agama, inilah yang pernah dilakukan oleh pengikut Komunis di Iraq satu ketika dahulu di kalangan parti Ba?ath (Kebangsaan Arab).

Justeru, kita amat rasa sedih apa yang sedang berlaku di Malaysia sekarang ini di mana para pemimpin kerajaan bertindak serupa dengan apa yang pernah berlaku di Iraq, mereka lakukan itu adalah semata-mata untuk kepentingan politik kotor mereka dan menyekat kemaraan pengaruh lawan dengan apa sahaja cara sekali pun walaupun melibatkan harga diri seseorang.

Mereka ini bukanlah pemimpin kerajaan yang baik yang boleh menjaga kebaikan dan kemaslahatan negara, tetapi untuk diri mereka semata-mata, tapi bagaimanapun tindakan mereka itu akan dibalas, kalau pun tidak pada diri mereka, mungkin isteri serta anak-anak mereka.

Apa yang umum hingga di peringkat global mengetahui, bahawa Saudara Anwar Ibrahim sejak masa mudanya dilantik sebagai ketua gerakan belia di Malaysia (ABIM), pernah mengurus kira-kira 25 buah sekolah beraliran agama khusus buat remaja lelaki dan perempuan (sekolah alternatif) di seluruh tanahair, tidak kedengaran pada usia remajanya atau ketika memimpin gerakan belia, sesuatu yang menjatuhkan harga diri atau maruahnya dengan tindakan yang menyalahi ajaran agama Islam. Jika pada usia begitu beliau disenangi, dipercayai dan dihormati sebagai seorang pemimpin yang baik, bagaiman mungkin pada usia yang mencecah 60 akan terlibat dengan perlakuan kaum Lut?.

Beliau sekarang ini terdedah kepada pelbagai ancaman, konspirasi, provokasi, bagi mengekalkan amalan politik kotor sekali gus mengajak manusia seluruhnya untuk menentang Allah SWT.

Isu akuan bersumpah sebenarnya tidak dibahaskan panjang lebar oleh kalangan fuqaha? melainkan pada keadaan bila wujudnya pembunuhan antara dua kampung hingga tidak dapat dikenal pasti siapa pembunuh sebenar, maka menurut sebahagian mereka: Akuan bersumpah hendaklah dilakukan oleh 50 orang ahli setiap kampung bagi membersihkan diri daripada sebarang tuduhan, tetapi ia bukan dalam isu yang sedang dibincangkan iaitu ?Qazaf?.

Ini kerana apa yang sedang disaksikan ialah isu antara seorang penuduh fasiq lagi zalim tidak diterima kesaksiaannya dan seorang yang teraniaya dan bersih daripada tuduhan tetapi tidak diberi haknya untuk membebaskan diri daripadanya.

Isu ini serupa apa yang pernah berlaku kepada pemimpin gerakan Islam Iraq al-marhum Syeikh Muhammad Mahmud as-Sowaf dan Syeikh Abdul Aziz al-Badri yang dilemparkan oleh pengikut Komunis dengan pelbagai dakwaan dan tuduhan hingga kedua-dua mereka tidaK dapat membela diri untuk membersihkan nama baik dan maruah.

Isu Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang pernah cemerlang dalam kepimpinannya ketika menerajui Kementerian Belia dan Sukan dan Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda Umno beberapa tahun, tidak kedengaran suara-suara sumbang daripada golongan remaja, belia bersamanya dahulu menyebut tentang perlakuan sumbang beliau, tetapi bagaimana sejak akhir-akhir ini terdapat kecenderungan pihak tertentu dengan rasa tidak malu dan takut kepada Allah melemparkan tuduhan negatif itu.

Saya menyeru pihak terbabit secara jujur, bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah, takutkan akan Dia Yang Maha Bertindak Balas ke atas hamba-hambaNya di akhirat, ingatlah ketegasan Allah dalam al-Quran : Sesungguhnnya hari tersebut (kiamat) tidak akan memberi manfaat harta dan anak-pinak, melainkan mereka yang datang menemui Allah dengan hati yang selamat (dari sebarang penyakit hati yang merbahaya).

Secara peribadi selaku seorang muslim, harapan dan seruan saya kepada Kerajaan Malaysia, agar bertakwa kepada Allah dalam mengurus negara dan rakyat, khususnya orang Melayu/Islam, berakhlaklah dengan nilai akhlak Islam yang murni, dengan tidak melebihkan politik daripada akhlak, jangan bertindak sesuatu yang boleh melucutkan harga diri seseorang atau rakyat hilang keyakinan para pemimpin yang memerintah negara sekarang ini, kerana setiap sesuatu yang zalim itu adalah jalan kegelapan, yang rosak itu akan membawa kepada neraka yang membakar.

Kita bermohon kepada Allah agar Dia memelihara negara dan rakyat di bawah naungan-Nya. – Harakahdaily

Liputan Kes Liwat Anwar (8 & 9 Julai 2008)

The Star : Tuesday July 8, 2008

‘Use malediction as last resort’

KOTA BARU: The proposed “mubahalah” (malediction) to resolve the sodomy allegations against PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should be used as a last resort, said Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

Perlis mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin has proposed that Nik Abdul Aziz become the middleman in arranging for the malediction by Anwar and his aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan who made the sodomy allegations.

“Mubahalah” is an old Islamic practice where the disputing parties would swear they were telling the truth and pray that God’s curse befell the lying party.

The Star : Wednesday July 9, 2008

Saiful dares Anwar to swear in front of ulamaks

PETALING JAYA: Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan has challenged PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to solve the matter either through mubahalah (malediction) or take oath in front of ulamaks (religious figures).

In an e-mail sent to TV3 which was aired during the station’s Buletin programme yesterday, Mohd Saiful said: “The truth will prevail. Falsehood will surely be exposed.”

The former aide to Anwar also described the sodomy issue as personal between them. Mohd Saiful said he does not blame the rakyat and hoped that they would be calm and accept the fact with an open heart.

“I take all criticisms with an open heart. As a victim, I have the right to get protection,” he said.

He ended the e-mail by challenging Anwar to set the time and date to solve the matter through mubahalah.

“Just inform me of the time and date. I am not afraid to keep my promise,” he added.

The challenge is posted at the popular Friendster website at
The webpage can be accessed through his fiancee’s blog, Janna Mohd Zaki- ‘A Step in My Pink Mary Janes’.
Islamic law versus common law

Malaysia Today : Wednesday, 09 July 2008

Raja Petra Kamarudin

Saiful dares Anwar to swear in front of ulamaks

Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan has challenged PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to solve the matter either through mubahalah (malediction) or take oath in front of ulamaks (religious figures).

In an e-mail sent to TV3, which was aired during the station’s Buletin programme yesterday, Mohd Saiful said: “The truth will prevail. Falsehood will surely be exposed.”

The former aide to Anwar also described the sodomy issue as personal between them. Mohd Saiful said he does not blame the rakyat and hoped that they would be calm and accept the fact with an open heart.“I take all criticisms with an open heart.

As a victim, I have the right to get protection,” he said. He ended the e-mail by challenging Anwar to set the time and date to solve the matter through mubahalah.

“Just inform me of the time and date. I am not afraid to keep my promise,” he added. - The Star

Now look at the following verses of the Quran. The Quran, Surah 24: Light

1. A sura which We have sent down and which We have ordained in it have We sent down Clear Signs, in order that ye may receive admonition.

2. The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.

3. Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry and but a woman similarly guilty, or an Unbeliever: nor let any but such a man or an Unbeliever marry such a woman: to the Believers such a thing is forbidden.

4. And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegations),- flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors;-

5. Unless they repent thereafter and mend (their conduct); for Allah is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful.

6. And for those who launch a charge against their spouses, and have (in support) no evidence but their own,- their solitary evidence (can be received) if they bear witness four times (with an oath) by Allah that they are solemnly telling the truth;

7. And the fifth (oath) (should be) that they solemnly invoke the curse of Allah on themselves if they tell a lie.

8. But it would avert the punishment from the wife, if she bears witness four times (with an oath) By Allah, that (her husband) is telling a lie;

9. And the fifth (oath) should be that she solemnly invokes the wrath of Allah on herself if (her accuser) is telling the truth.

So, as you can see, the Anwar-Saiful sodomy issue is actually quite easy to resolve. First of all, though, there is no such thing as carrying a Quran above your head or swearing an oath in front of people who wear turbans and robes. (If not then the Chartered Bank ‘big, strong and friendly’ jaga would not get a day’s rest).

Such things do not exist in Islam and are old folks tales conjured by ignorant peasants who know no better.The Quran has addressed this matter in surah (chapter) 9 - (Repentance, Dispensation) - verse 31.

“They take their priests and their scholars to be their lords in derogation of Allah, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One Allah. There is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him).”

You DO NOT swear an oath in front of priests or people who happen to have a better command of Arabic than you do. You swear an oath in front of God. It would be better if you can produce four witnesses to support your allegation or denial. But if you can’t, then you swear an oath four times in lieu of these four witnesses and then a fifth oath for God to condemn your soul if you are lying.

Of course, Surah Nur (Light) addresses the issue of a man who accuses a woman of adultery. But many scholars have agreed that a man accusing another man of ‘adultery’ (either with a man or woman) can be covered under these verses because adultery is adultery whatever gender is involved.

The procedure is simple. You (the accuser) produce four witnesses or you swear an oath five times that you are telling the truth. Then the accused defends himself or herself by also producing four witnesses -- or else he or she also swears an oath five times. What happens when BOTH the accuser and the accused fail to produce four witnesses and BOTH swear an oath five times? Then the next surah will apply. The Quran, Surah 39: The Troops, Throngs

30. Truly thou wilt die (one day), and truly they (too) will die (one day).

31. In the end will ye (all), on the Day of Judgment, settle your disputes in the presence of your Lord.

32. Who, then, doth more wrong than one who utters a lie concerning Allah, and rejects the Truth when it comes to him; is there not in Hell an abode for blasphemers?

33. And he who brings the Truth and he who confirms (and supports) it - such are the men who do right.

Yes, that’s right, then the lying party gets his or her just rewards in front of God later, after he or she dies, whichever of the two may be lying. You can’t change the rules. These are the rules as laid down by the Quran. And only the Quran applies as far as the rules of conduct for Muslims are concerned.

Let us look at another scenario. A man is caught with a woman in a hotel room and this woman is not his wife. What happens? If they are both not Muslims then nothing happens. But if one or both of them are Muslims, then they will be punished. But if they are both of ‘legal’ age and it is something between two consenting adults, how can they be punished? There is no common law that declares extramarital sex as a crime.
However, it is a crime as far as Islam is concerned, so if you are a Muslim then Islamic laws will apply whereby you will certainly be punished.The same applies in other cases where Islam regards such conduct as a crime. In an allegation of adultery, Islam is very specific as to how one must face the music. The accuser must produce four witnesses. If the accuser fails to do so then he or she must be punished. But if the accuser swears an oath five times, then he or she will escape punishment and will have to face God later to be punished if he or she is lying.
The accused, in turn, will also have to produce four witnesses to support his or her denial or else he or she will have to face the music. And if the accused also swears an oath five times, then he or she will escape punishment but will have to face God later to be punished if he or she is lying.Okay, you might argue that since sodomy is a crime under Malaysia’s common law then common law and not Islamic law must apply. Is that so?
In that case I can’t be punished for not praying five times a day or for not going to the mosque on Friday since these are not crimes under common law. I can also drink beer in public and eat and drink in the daylight hours during the month of Ramadhan since these are also not crimes under common law. I can also have sex with a woman who is not my wife since this too is not a crime under common law -- as long as she is not 15 years old.

How can I be punished for all these ‘crimes’ when common law does not make them crimes? So you see, common law cannot override the Quran whenever the Quran specifies the conduct of Muslims as well as the punishment for breaching this code of conduct. If you are a Muslim, then the Quran applies, not common law. Common law only applies whenever the Quran is silent on any issue.In fact, oral sex is a crime under common law and you can be jailed up to a maximum of seven years if you commit this ‘crime’.
But Islam does not declare oral sex a crime so Muslims are permitted to enjoy oral sex although under common law they can be sent to jail for a long time. The religious scholars are divided on the matter of anal sex and some scholars say it is permitted while others say it is not. But under common law you can be sent to jail just like in the case of oral sex. Muslims, however, are allowed to follow their scholars’ advice in either doing it or not doing it, as the case may be, and they do not care what common law has to say about it.
Yes, where the Quran is specific about something then Islamic laws will apply. Only when the Quran is silent about the subject matter will common law apply (like parking your car in a ‘no parking’ zone). There is also no sedition in Islam. In fact, the Sedition Act is un-Islamic. Islam makes it mandatory to speak out against the government and rulers and it would be a sin to keep quiet.
So do not fear going to jail for a ‘crime’ of sedition because God will punish you more severely later if you keep silent for fear of going to jail when it is mandatory to speak out against transgressions and to oppose oppression. Two years jail is nothing compared to what God will do to you later.So, back to the sodomy issue; Saiful has to swear an oath five times and so does Anwar. And if they do that then the matter ends there, at least as far as this life is concerned.
Then one of them, the lying party, will have to face God later to receive his punishment. This is what God says and since both are Muslims then this, and only this, will be what will apply. Man’s laws cannot override God’s laws when you are a Muslim. That is the long and short of the whole issue.

The Star : Thursday July 10, 2008

Anwar turns to religious department to clear his name

KUALA LUMPUR: PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has lodged a report with the Federal Territory Religious Department against former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan for accusing him of zina (fornication).

The report was lodged under Section 41 Qazaf (false accusation) of the Federal Territory Syariah Criminal Offence Act 1997.

The section states that if one accuses another of fornication without providing four male witnesses or iqrar (oath) of the person accused, the accuser has committed an offence in which he can be fined up to RM5,000 or jailed up to three years, or both.

(Fornication comes from a Greek word whose meaning includes pre-marital sex, adultery, incest, homosexuality/lesbianism, and bestiality. In Islam, no sin is worse against the religion than fornication and homosexuality).

Anwar, who met the department’s director-general (enforcement) Muhammad Ajib, told reporters that he had lodged the Syariah report upon the advice of his lawyers and religious scholars to clear his and his family’s name, describing Saiful’s allegation as a “malicious attack on my character.”

“It’s demeaning to me and my family. This slander is a major issue because it involves a sexual crime and attempts to mislead the Muslim population to attack me and my character,” he said, stressing that the accusation was a fabrication and clearly politically motivated.

Saiful had lodged a police report alleging that Anwar had sodomised him at a condominium at Bukit Damansara.

Saiful has also challenged Anwar to solve the matter either through mubahalah (malediction) or swear before ulamaks (religious figures).

The mubahalah would involve taking an oath before God to show who is telling the truth by seeking God’s curse to befall the person who lied.

Anwar, who was accompanied by his wife Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and lawyer Kamar Ainiah Kamaruzaman, said he was prepared to take part in a mubahalah if the ulamak and syariah court advised him to do so.

“I am leaving it to the Islamic scholars. It is not a question of courage or that I am not prepared to take an oath but because it is a religious issue – not a political game.

“If the ulamak and syariah court advise that this needs to be done, then I will do it,” he said.

Anwar said Muslim scholars had advised him against doing anything that transgressed Islamic law.

“This is a criminal offence. It must be investigated. There’s nothing in Islamic law that allows you to take an oath when it is a criminal offence. “Otherwise a murderer can swear on the Quran and get away scot-free,” he said.

Kamar Ainiah said under Islam, a man was innocent until proven guilty and it was up to the accuser to bring forward four witnesses to prove his accusation.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Liputan Chin-Mahathir (8 Julai 2008)

Tuesday July 8, 2008

Justice Chin wants police report made against Mahathir

SIBU: The war of words between High Court Justice Ian Chin and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad continues with the judge asking the Deputy Registrar of the High Court to lodge a police report against the former premier for comments made in the latter’s blog.

In a statement to the press upon the resumption of the hearing of the election petition for the Sarikei parliamentary seat at the High Court yesterday, Justice Chin said it was wrong for Dr Mahathir to suggest that he had erred in two cases he had presided over in the Kota Kinabalu court.

Both cases involved the Sabah Foundation suing its former director, Datuk Syed Kechik Syed Mohamed, over profits on a special timber licence and on the enhancement of land belonging to the foundation and its two companies.

Justice Chin said the appellate courts would not have upheld the judgment if there were implied impropriety on his part.

“And neither could my decision stand on issues which I found in favour of Datuk Syed Kechik.”
Speaking for himself, Justice Chin said he had made mistakes in his decisions before and they would occur in future as he was not infallible.

“Still, there exists the luxury for a High Court judge, which is, that he can afford to err or misdirect himself in his decision since there is the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court to take care of that.

“It is easy to arrive at a decision in cases where one can be regarded as having no interest at all,” he said.

Justice Chin claimed his detractors had spun a story that he had acted out of spite for thinking that his promotion was blocked by Dr Mahathir but that had been shown to be untrue. – Bernama.

Liputan Kes Najib-Altantuya (8 Julai 2008)

The Star : Tuesday July 8, 2008

First SD consistent with story we heard, says PI’s nephew

SELAYANG: The contents of private investigator P. Balasubramaniam’s first statutory declaration are consistent with what he had told his two nephews the past six months in relation to the murder of Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu.

According to Segar Ramakrishnan, 34, his uncle had told him and his brother Kumaresan, 27, for the last six months that he would make a statutory declaration one day on what he had been telling them.

“How can he subsequently on July 4 say the allegation about Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (having a relationship with Altantuya) had been concocted?” he asked.

Segar was speaking to reporters after he and Kumaresan were questioned under Section 112 of the Criminal Procedure Code at Gombak District Police headquarters yesterday.

On Saturday, Kumaresan lodged a police report on the disappearance of his uncle, wife and three children at the Brickfields District Police headquarters.

“When he came to my office to pass a copy of the July 1 declaration, he seemed normal and perfectly fine. He asked me to wait two days to see what would happen.

“You can compare his facial expressions in the video clip of the first press conference with that of when he withdrew it to see whether he was under duress during the former or the latter.

“Suddenly on Friday, he appears with a new lawyer withdrawing the allegation against the Deputy Prime Minister.

Segar, a car service adviser, suggested his uncle may have been forced to make the second statutory declaration.

Kumaresan, an IT personnel, said if his uncle had wanted to run away, he could have done so after the first statutory declaration.

“They were doing things as usual after that. I’m afraid for my uncle, my aunt and their children. My parents are no longer alive. My aunt is like my own mother. ”

Segar and Kumaresan, who were accompanied by lawyer N. Surendran, expressed disappointment over the Federal CID chief Datuk Bakri Zinin’s remark that his family had not been cooperative with the police.

“This is baseless and totally not true. On Saturday itself, we made an appointment with Chief Inspector Fadil (of Gombak District Police headquarters) to come and give a statement this morning.”

Liputan SAPP (7&8 Julai 2008)

The Star : Monday July 7, 2008 MYT 6:28:25 PM
SAPP’s withdraws no-confidence motion threat

KUALA LUMPUR: The Sabah Progressive Party's (SAPP) threat of no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister is off.

Its vice-president Datuk Dr Chua Soon Bui, who appeared in Parliament for the first time on Monday after having been absent for two weeks, said the party did not want to be held responsible as the "scapegoat" in the current political climate.

"We don't want to be made the scapegoat under the current political situation and take responsibility if there's any emergency rule or any outcome that will affect the general public," she told reporters before meeting with Minister in Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz.

Asked if SAPP was still confident of the Prime Minister, Dr Chua, who had been on medical leave and keeping a low profile after receiving death threats over the party's plans, said:

"(Whatever we said), this is also the opinion of the people and we have taken the stance."

Asked if the party had since changed its stance, she replied: “We will have to see."

Dr Chua said the party was not taking up the no-confidence motion issue at the moment but refused to discount this same possibility in the future.

"It depends on the political scenario. Can you tell me what is going to happen next week with all the things which are coming out?" she said, referring to the recent spate of allegations and counter claims between members of the Opposition and the Government.

Dr Chua also stressed that SAPP had never discussed leaving the coalition and that she had never heard of such a thing.

Unlike her colleague Eric Majimbun (BN - Sepanggar) who kept a low profile after showing up in Parliament for the first time last week, Dr Chua was instantly mobbed by reporters after being spotted entering the MPs' lounge around 2.15pm.

She was accompanied by Sabah state assembly’s former deputy Speaker Datuk Francis Yap. Pressed on her attendance, Dr Chua said it was her first day in Parliament and that she still had to take some "precautions" on the threats against her.

"I will be here until next week. Under the circumstances, it was normal to receive threats but it hasn't come to the stage where I will need to have bodyguards," she said, adding that she also had some matters to bring up with both Nazri and Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia.

"I need to sort out some procedures with the minister and the Speaker," she said, adding that she had also been seeking treatment for her back problem.

When approached, Nazri said Dr Chua had asked him if both her and Eric's absence during the voting of the Government motion on the price increase had affected their position in Barisan.

"I told her no. Both the SAPP MPs were not the only ones absent as there were nine others who were also not present then. She also came to inform me about her medical leave and give assurance that they are still BN MPs.

"It's not something we take action against her for. The most important thing was that Barisan has won the vote," he said, adding that they however did not discuss SAPP's plan for a no-confidence vote.

The Star ; Tuesday July 8, 2008 MYT 3:22:09 PM

No-confidence issue is not over, says SAPP


KUALA LUMPUR: Sabah Progressive Party’s (SAPP) deputy president Datuk Eric E. Majimbun (BN - Sepanggar) does not rule out the possibility of filing a vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in future.

The party may do so at other times when the political scenario and ground sentiment deem suitable for such action.

At the moment, Eric said it was not suitable to do so.

"I (would) never say it is off," said Eric when asked by reporters at the Parliament Lobby on Tuesday.

Asked whether the party had sent the motion to the Speaker, Eric said "not yet" but the party may do so “ when the time comes.”

Eric, however, thanked the Government for paying more attention to Sabah now.

Asked whether he would leave Barisan Nasional to join the Opposition, Eric said: “We never say we are out of Barisan.

“We are still in the SAPP,” he said.

Eric also said the party was in the midst of preparing its reply to the show-cause letter issued by Barisan.

Eric also said the threat issue was over and he was not worried about that.

“I am safe in Malaysia, this is our country,” he said.

Datuk Dr Chua Soon Bui (BN - Tawau), the other MP from SAPP, said the party would put the no-confidence vote on hold.

On Monday, Dr Chua, the other MP from SAPP, said the no-confidence move by the party against Prime Minister was off - at least for now.

Dr Chua, who is also the vice-president, said SAPP did not want to be held responsible for the current political climate.

“We do not want to be made the scapegoat. We will have to take responsibility if there is emergency rule or any outcome that will affect the general public,” she told reporters on Monday.

Football and fiesta in Shah Alam

The Star : Monday July 7, 2008


SHAH ALAM: Crowd-pullers David Arumugam of Alleycats, dangdut singer Mas Idayu and rock queen Ella entertained the early birds at the Sultan of Selangor’s Cup yesterday during a live concert to kick-off the tournament.

Fans started to arrive in as early as 5pm. The crowd grew excited when the familiar song Sampaikan Salam blared out and the man in his trademark Afro stepped out onto the pitch with a microphone.

David Arumugam, the lead vocalist of the local group, had fans clapping and singing along with him as he performed two more of the group’s famous tunes, Hingga Ke Akhir Nanti and Andainya Aku Pergi Dulu.

In between songs, he urged the crowd to show their support for Selangor in the match between the home team and Singapore.

“Selangor must bring back the Cup!” he yelled to the crowd.

Dangdut singer Mas Idayu, who performed next, entertained fans as she gyrated her hips to her danceable dangdut tunes. Dressed in an all-black outfit, she got the crowd moving along with her as she urged them to dance along.

Performing five songs, Mas also showcased two new songs, Dengar-dengarkan and Goda-godaan, from her latest album Seribu Satu.

Rock queen Ella showed why she is such a favourite as she mingled with the fans and on two or three occasions, went up to the bench of the Singaporean team to sit with them while still singing.
Fans from both sides of the stadium screamed her name hysterically and waved for her to come to them for photographs.

She also posed for photographers and bobbed around the track and field, singing songs like Rama-rama, Jujur and Standing in the Eyes of the World.

By then, it was past 7pm and droves of people were seen driving into the stadium car park. Besides the concert, other activities held were parachuting displays and fireworks. There were also lucky draws, where fans won five TVs and five handphones.

The Sultan of Selangor Cup 2008 is organised and managed by an organising committee personally appointed by the Sultan and headed by Datuk Abdul Karim Munisar.

The cup was initiated in 2001 to foster better relations between Selangor and Singapore and also to relive the glory moments of football.

Following the concert, the curtain-raiser was the match between Selangor Veterans and Singapore Veterans.

Then it was the game between the Selangor Selection and Singapore League Selection. Gracing the event were the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, Raja Muda of Selangor Tengku Amir Shah, Abdul Karim, Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim and the Singapore delegation.


Saturday, 05 July 2008

Raja Petra Kamarudin

I said in an earlier article in this same column that Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should be out of office by Christmas. And his successor, I predicted, could either be Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, aspirant Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, or opposition head honcho Anwar Ibrahim. I have also always said that seven days is a long time in politics. What more seven months. And the fact that political fortunes change, subject to both internal as well as external factors beyond your control, means that the situation is always very fluid indeed.

Soon after the 12th General Election of 8 March 2008, the pressure mounted, not only for Abdullah to resign, but also for him to confirm his exit plan with details such as his resignation date and the name of his successor. The pressure, in fact, started in mid-2006 when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad first launched his salvo against Abdullah at a dialogue session in Kelab Century Paradise jointly-organised by Malaysia Today and a couple of NGOs. For almost two years Mahathir continued his attacks on Abdullah, interrupted in between by a couple of heart attacks and a heart operation.

Abdullah was up against two fronts -- internally from the Najib and Tengku Razaleigh forces and externally from Pakatan Rakyat led by Anwar Ibrahim. Of course, Pakatan Rakyat did not really pose that much a threat until after the general election when it managed to grab five states and 82 Parliament seats -- which resulted, for the first time, in Barisan Nasional losing its two-thirds majority in Parliament. It did happen once before, of course. But, then, it was the Alliance Party of Umno, MCA and MIC that lost its two-thirds majority -- but they managed to regain their majority when Barisan Nasional was formed and all the opposition parties except DAP joined the new coalition (although PAS left the coalition almost three years later and has remained in the opposition ever since).

There is another internal force, a fifth column, which is headed by Muhyiddin Yassin. But Muhyiddin has been very cautious in not openly siding with any of the three factions of Abdullah, Najib and Tengku Razaleigh. He is very cleverly building up his support base, which can later swing to any of the three factions depending on who has the best chance of winning. In that sense, Muhyiddin can play the role of kingmaker if he so wishes and in the event he feels he can never make it on his own unless he joins forces with Abdullah, Najib or Tengku Razaleigh.

Muhyiddin is no direct threat. He will only become a threat if he manages to build up enough support and then throws this support behind one of the three contenders. And that contender will most certainly be the candidate who has the best chance of winning. But then, who is it the contender that has the best chance of winning? That is something that is very fluid and keeps changing week to week.

By mid-June 2008, it appeared like Najib and Anwar were the two hot favourites. When Najib visited the Umno divisions, the grass-root members cheered him and ‘proclaimed’ him the new Umno President cum Prime Minister. This even happened in Abdullah’s own division. And Muhyiddin, who was there by his side, was cheered as the new Umno Deputy President -- although he feigned ‘shyness’ in typical Malay fashion. It looked like Najib was set to become the new Umno President with Muhyiddin as his running mate, which means they will be Malaysia’s new Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister respectively.

But then this will only happen if Anwar does not pull a coup. Anwar had boldly proclaimed many times that he will form the new federal government by Malaysia Day, 16 September 2008, and that at least 30 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament are waiting in the wings and ready to cross over. The race was on. Either Najib pushes Abdullah out before 16 September or else he will be pushing Abdullah out just to become the opposition leader in Parliament and not the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

It was now either Najib or Anwar. And there was also Tengku Razaleigh and Muhyiddin to contend with, though not as potent as Najib and Anwar. Tengku Razaleigh and Muhyiddin are not too serious a problem, though problems nevertheless. It was Najib and Anwar who have to be dealt with, and dealt with before the Umno branch elections start this month and the division elections in August.

Suddenly, Najib and Anwar are facing controversy -- Najib with his Altantuya murder controversy and Anwar in a new sodomy allegation. Now Najib and Anwar have their hands full. They are busy clearing their names and have no time to worry about taking over the Prime Ministership. The issue is no longer which of the two can become the next Prime Minister but whether they can even stay out of jail. That is a more pressing problem. The job of Prime Minister will have to wait.

Saiful, the man who alleged that Anwar had sodomised him met Najib just before he lodged that police report against Anwar. At first Najib denied meeting the young man. Then, later, he admits that he did meet the chap after all, but only to discuss the young man’s career and future and to help him obtain a scholarship.

The earlier denial followed by the later admission does not augur well for Najib. The fact that a very busy Deputy Prime Minister has all the time in the world to meet a school dropout so that he can act as the latter’s career guidance counsellor is also a story many find hard to buy. Events and statements point to the fact that Najib is behind this latest sodomy allegation against Anwar.

That, at least, is what we are being led to believe. But what we have not been told is that Saiful was trained by the BTN (Biro Tata Negara), Malaysia’s propaganda outfit and an outfit headed by Abdullah loyalists. We are told that Saiful first surfaced a week or so before the 8 March 2008 general election when he reported to PKR’s party HQ as an election volunteer. Where did he come from and who brought him into the party HQ?

Yes, that is the most crucial question. Saiful did not just turn up on the doorstep of the party HQ from nowhere. He was brought in by his very close friend, the son of the late Dato Nasaruddin Jalil and an Anwar aide. That’s right. According to Dato Nasaruddin’s wife, her son and Saiful are bosom buddies. Then, something strange happened. Dato Nasaruddin’s son was mysteriously killed by a hit-and-run driver. No one knows how it happened or who killed him. But, after that most tragic ‘accident’, Saiful stayed on to become one of the temporary staff of the party.

Was Dato Nasaruddin’s son’s death an accident? Is there something more sinister than just an unsolved hit-and-run accident? I suppose we shall never know the answer to that one and it may forever remain in the books as an accident or a victim of a hit-and-run. But what we do know is that the young man whom Dato Nasaruddin’s son brought into the party got elevated from a volunteer to a temporary staff of the party.

The Muftis of Perlis and Perak have suggested that Anwar come out and swear an oath that he is innocent of the allegation of sodomising Saiful. That would be the only way he can clear his name. It is not known yet if he will do that but, if he does not, then the dark cloud hanging over his head will remain there. There would be no other way that Anwar can clear his name.

Anwar also has to explain what he was doing at that upmarket condo. Yes, I too have clandestine meetings with my many Deep Throats at secret locations such as hotel rooms and apartments. But then I always bring along witnesses to ensure that I have an alibi in the event someone spots me and accuse me of having secret rendezvous for purposes of sex.

But Anwar’s case is more complex. I was told they have photographs of Anwar and Saiful going into one of the rooms of the One World hotel escorted by another man. If these photographs surface and Anwar cannot explain what is going on, then he may cease to be a threat to Abdullah. Abdullah then has only to take care of Najib.

The Statutory Declaration (SD) by the private investigator, Bala, has hurt Najib a lot. But the retraction or second SD the following day, which deletes all references to Najib, is even more damaging than the first one. If anyone had any doubts and thought that maybe Bala was fixing Najib up with his first SD, the second SD removed those doubts. Now, people are even more convinced that Najib is guilty. If not then why amend the first SD but only as far as Najib’s name is concerned whereas all the other allegations remain the same?

Bala’s first SD was not done in a hurry. It took numerous meetings over two months to finalise the SD. Bala had plenty of time to change his mind over those two months. And how can you say that you signed the SD under duress when it was done over many meetings over two months?

But the second SD was done only a few hours after the first one surfaced. And it was done after his visit to the police station. That gives an appearance of duress. And the fact he does not say that the entire SD is false but only as far as Najib’s name is concerned gives an impression that Najib is behind the second SD and that it was done to clear his name. Why would Najib go to all this trouble if he were innocent?

I met Bala on 2 July 2008 and was with him for about six hours from 6.30pm. He was jovial and chatty and joked that my SD two weeks earlier had stolen the thunder from his. Now, his has become the second SD instead of the first as he had hoped. After the press conference of 3 July 2008 we had lunch and he was still as jovial and chatty as the night before. He was now the superstar and he was relishing every minute of it. We agreed to meet on Saturday night (tonight) to party and celebrate the ‘success’ of his SD. Then, yesterday, the bombshell.

Yes, this looks bad for Najib, as well as for Anwar. And it certainly looks like Najib is behind the second SD as well as the sodomy allegation against Anwar -- while Anwar, in turn, is seen as behind the first SD that links Najib to Altantuya. In one swoop, both Najib and Anwar are brought down. And this means Abdullah has now rid himself of two serious problems. And with these two serious threats neutralised Abdullah can now take care of the lesser threats of Tengku Razaleigh and Muhyiddin.

I might not like Abdullah but I must certainly admire his skills. He looks stupid, he talks stupid, he acts stupid, but a man who can make you think he is stupid is actually cleverer than you.

Yes, it looks like Abdullah will still be Umno President and Prime Minister of Malaysia come Christmas. I would not have said this three weeks ago but today I say this with confidence. And while Najib and Anwar finish each other off, Abdullah is giggling in the background and choosing the Christmas tree that he will erect in Putrajaya come December.

Well done, Pak Lah. Brilliant moves. Now let’s see how Najib and Anwar extricate themselves from the mess they are currently in.

Pockets of Mangkar

Maka berlompatanlah “ustadz2″ menggesa supaya Anwar bersumpah menafikan tuduhan yang sedang dihadapnya sekarang. ada yang suruh junjung Qur’an, ada yang suruh dalam mesjid, ada yang suruh tengah padang, ada yang suruh buat atas mimbar!

Pendek kata, kalau Anwar buat macam depa suruh, seluruh sistem cakerawala ni akan percaya pada Anwar. Confirm Anwar difitnah. Dan confirm ada perancangan jahat. Tu lah kehendak beberapa kerat mangkar (bahasa KL untuk mangkaq) yang sekarang sedang sibuk kulu kilir menepuk meja cuba mengajar bagaimana Anwar harus bertindak sekarang.

Pada aku, tak kisah dia nak bersumpah atau tidak. Tiada sebarang implikasi pun dalam sistem perundangan tanah melayu ni. Lagipun setakat yang aku belajaq agama masa tingkatan empat dulu, sumpah hanya dilaksanakan selepas tuduhan dan pembuktian beyond reasonable doubt. Kalau telah dibuktikan secara saheh tertuduh memang melakukan apa yang dituduh, maka tertuduh masih boleh mengelakkan hukuman dunia dengan bersumpah (”al Bayinatul a’la Muddaiy, wal Yaminul a’la Man ankar”). Itu kaedah yang aku paham la.

Tapi pasaipa ada dua tiga kerat ni nak sangat Anwar bersumpah mengikut kepala hotak masing2? Jawapan ringkas aku, samada depa ni mengaji setakat SRP, ataupun masa kelas agama depa tuang dok pi hisap rokok dalam jamban. Jadi, tak heranla kalau sumpah acuan mereka tu dilihat sebagai bukti yang sangat hebat utk menafikan tuduhan. Kelompok2 sumpah ni aku lihat tak lebih daripada ingin menjadikan Anwar kelihatan bodoh sebab melayan benda2 bodoh. Mereka nak dunia kemudian melihat “kenapa Anwar desperado sgt bersumpah tak ikut peraturan untuk nafikan?”.

Dan selepas sumpah dibuat, aku tak menolak golongan2 mangkar ini sekali lagi akan datang dgn nas dan perawi yang mengatakan cara sumpah Anwar itu salah. Caranya sumbang dan amat diragui. Patut kena angkat tangan kanan. Patut kena pegang Qur’an. Patut kena pakai Qur’an Uthamani, patut kena mata pandang depan. Patut kena sebut dalam semua bahasa rakyat malaysia, patut kena duduk bertimpuh, patut kena pakai serban, patut kena buat itu dan ini! Depa akan ada seribu satu alasan pulak untuk menafikan sumpah tersebut. Dan nak dapat nas utk sokong penafian ni bukanla susah sangat, Astora Jabat banyak simpan ;)

Dan kalaupun dah tadak point, geng kepala masam ni akan kata pulak “elllehh, kalau dah berani buat sampai tahap tu, apa sangat la sumpah mumpah ni…”.

Kepada dua tiga kerat golongan mangkar, atau meminjam frasa mat saleh “pockets of mangkar” ni, bijak la sikit dalam merapu. Cubaan memesongkan isu kredibiliti makhluk yang membuat tuduhan, kaitannya dengan Najib, dan kekalutan pemerintah sekarang yang teruk bergelut dengan keruduman ekonomi dan kepercayaan rakyat dengan membesarkan isu Anwar bersumpah adalah satu tektik yang sangat terdesak. Dan sedarlah bahawa rakyat juga sekarang ini berada di dalam keadaan yang sangat terdesak yang teramat sangat.

Rakyat terdesak untuk membebaskan diri mereka daripada cengkaman pemerintah yang korup dan lemah. Kita sangat terdesak ingin melihat malaya yang lebih baik.

Sesungguhnya satu2nya sumpah yang akan terus keluar daripada mulut pejuang rakyat ini ialah sumpahnya untuk terus melawan kezaliman, kekejaman, dan kerajaan yang korup!

Matkeri (dipetik daripada

Liputan Kes Najib-Altantuya (4 Julai 2008 - Bhg 4)


4hb Julai 2008, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Saya telah diberitahu bahawa Encik Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal telah pada pukul 11 pagi tadi di persidangan media yang diadakan di Prince Hotel mengeluarkan suatu akuan bersumpah yang menarik kembali akuan bersumpah awal beliau yang diikrarkan pada 1 haribulan Julai 2008.

Alasan yang diberikan bagi penarikan kembali ini adalah kerana akuan bersumpah asal beliau yang dirakamkan sendiri oleh saya telah “dipaksa untuk diikrarkan di bawah tekanan”.

Tiada perincian rapi diberi berhubung dakwaan paksaan dan tekanan tersebut. Encik Bala dilaporkan hanya berdiam diri di persidangan akhbarnya pagi ini apabila ditanya mengenai siapakah yang menakut-nakutkan beliau.

Untuk rekod, saya ingin menyatakan bahawa akuan bersumpah yang diikrarkan oleh Encik Bala pada 1 haribulan Julai 2008 yang mana telah dikeluarkan semalam telah diikrarkan dengan rela hati di hadapan saya dan di dalam kehadiran seorang pesuruhjaya sumpah bernama Dr. T. Yokheswarem.

Saya juga ingin menekankan bahawa saya telah selama 26 tahun lamanya menjadi ahli Badan Peguam Malaysia dan tidak pernah sekalipun saya bersepakat dengan mana-mana anakguam saya dengan memaksa mereka memberikan maklumat palsu dalam apa keadaan sekalipun.

Kali pertama saya berjumpa dengan Encik Bala adalah dalam sekitaran dua bulan lalu di sebuah restoren di dalam kehadiran beberapa orang yang lain di mana beliau meminta saya untuk menolong beliau untuk mendokumenkan keterangan beliau. Saya memulakan proses tersebut dua minggu selepas itu. Saya menemui beliau beberapa kali dan akan mencatat apa yang beliau beritahu.

Saya tiada sebab untuk meragui setiap apa yang diberitahu oleh Encik Bala kepada saya selain yang benar dan tugas saya terhad kepada mendengar dan merakamkan apa yang beliau hendak katakan serta menyalin pernyataan beliau ke dalam suatu akuan bersumpah dalam bentuk yang teratur dan boleh difahami.

Akuan bersumpah tersebut kemudiannya telah diakusaksi oleh pesuruhjaya sumpah yang tersebut di atas iaitu Dr. T. Yokheswarem di dalam kehadiran saya dan juga Encik Bala sendiri. Kandungan pernyataan di dalam akuan bersumpah tersebut telah dibacakan di hadapan pesuruhjaya sumpah tersebut yang bertanyakan kepada Encik Bala samada beliau faham kandungan akuan bersumpah tersebut dan adakah kandungan itu adalah akuannya.

Setelah Encik Bala mengesahkan pertanyaan tersebut, beliau telah diminta untuk menandatangani tiga salinan akuan bersumpah tersebut dan seterusnya diakusaksi setiap satu oleh pesuruhjaya sumpah tersebut. Encik Bala kemudiannya diminta menyerahkan kad pengenalan beliau kepada pesuruhjaya tersebut dan seterusnya menurunkan tandatangannya di buku rekod pesuruhjaya sumpah tersebut.

Dalam keadaan tersebut, saya sesungguhnya amat terkejut bahawa dalam jangka waktu 24 jam Encik Bala telah mengguna khidmat seorang peguam lain dan mengikrarkan satu lagi akuan bersumpah yang mengesahkan bahawa akuan bersumpah asal adalah tidak benar dan beliau telah dipaksa untuk menandatanganinya.

Oleh kerana saya arif dengan keperibadian Encik Bala setelah menghabiskan masa berjam-jam mencatat pernyataan beliau, saya amat meragui bahawa beliau telah menandatangani akuan bersumpah yang kedua di atas kerelaan dirinya sendiri dan saya yakin, disebabkan tiada lagi alasan lain yang munasabah, beliau sebaliknya telah ditakutkan samada melalui ugutan atau janji-janji untuk berbuat demikian.

Pesuruhjaya sumpah yang mengakusaksi akuan bersumpah yang asal bersedia untuk mengesahkan apa yang dinyatakan oleh saya di atas berhubung kerelaan Encik Bala terhadap akuan bersumpahnya.

Kenyataannya, sebaik bertemu muka, Encik Bala dengan segera mengenali pesuruhjaya sumpah tersebut oleh kerana mereka berdua membesar di kejiranan yang sama di Slim River, yang mana tidak pernah diketahui oleh saya.

Americk Singh Sidhu


Malam semalam satu lagi jenayah telah dilakukan. Jenayah tersebut menyebabkan Encik Balasubramaniam menarik kembali akuan bersumpahnya yang dibuat pada hari Selasa bersamaan 1 haribulan Julai 2008 dan dihebahkan kepada awam semalam. Episod sedih ini mengesahkan lagi apa yang diperkatakan oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim semalam - bahawa terdapat corak manipulasi yang konsisten terhadap sistem keadilan jenayah di dalam negara ini. Malam semalam menyaksikan suatu lagi contoh pengendalian keterangan yang mirip dengan perbicaraan kes bunuh terpenting baru-baru ini.

Kami sangat berpuas hati bahawa akuan bersumpah asal oleh Encik Bala adalah atas kerelaan diri dan atas niat bahawa kebenaran tidak perlu lagi disembunyikan daripada pengetahuan awam – bahawa amat penting untuk kita mengetahui rahsia-rahsia yang disimpan oleh beliau sejak Oktober/November 2006.

Sekarang timbul persoalan kunci – yang mana satu diantara dua akuan bersumpah tersebut menyatakan kebenaran? Inilah persoalan pertama yang patut ditangani oleh Suruhanjaya Diraja yang kami mohon ditubuhkan semalam.

Kenyataannya penarikan kembali akuan bersumpah tersebut yang dibuat terlalu cepat dan dalam keadaan Encik Bala mengatakan ianya dibuat di bawah tekanan namun tidak akan memberi nama orang yang menekan beliau dapat menjelaskan dengan sendiri apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.

Siapakah yang bermotif untuk mengarahkan Encik Bala untuk membuat dakwaan-dakwaan yang membinasakan reputasi polis, Jabatan Peguam Negara dan Datuk Seri Najib dengan idea yang beliau kemudiannya akan menarik kembali kenyataannya pada keesokan hari sebagai percubaan untuk mengaibkan kami? Amat susah untuk menuding jari kepada sesiapa.

Jadi siapakah dia yang bermotif untuk menakut-nakutkan Encik Bala malam semalam untuk segera menarik kembali kenyataan beliau? Berpandukan kandungan akuan bersumpah asal beliau ia memebabitkan orang yang berkepentingan

Kami memohon agar suatu Suruhanjaya Diraja dapat ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat persoalan asas yang tersebut di atas – yang mana satu diantara kedua-dua akuan bersumpah tersebut menyatakan kebenaran?

Isu ini juga harus disuarakan oleh semua pihak yang berkenaan di dalam perbicaraan kes Altantuya agar kebenaran dapat dibuktikan. Yang pasti, sekarang pihak pendakwaan bertanggungjawab untuk menyiasat kembali dakwaan-dakwaan Encik Bala.

Sivarasa Rasiah
Naib Presiden,
Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
4hb Julai 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

Liputan Kes Liwat Anwar (6 & 7 Julai 2008)

The Star : Sunday July 6, 2008

Take me to court, challenges Anwar

BUTTERWORTH: PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has challenged the authorities to take him to court if there is solid evidence against him on the latest sodomy allegations.

He said the Government should first ensure a fair trial and select only judges who were credible.

“I will throw the file at their faces if the judges are not fit to hear my case,” he told a big crowd at a ceramah at the Seberang Jaya expo site here last night.

Anwar reiterated that the latest sodomy allegations against him was a conspiracy by his enemies to kill him politically and shut him up. He also questioned the credibility of Inspector-General Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan and Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail over the sodomy case because he had lodged a police report against them.

“How can they investigate my case, when I have actually lodged a police report against them?” he said.

Anwar also denied any link with the United States saying he would send a letter to the US government to bring its troops out of Iraq if he becomes the Prime Minister to prove that he was not an American puppet. He also said he had forgiven those who had committed wrongdoings against him.

The Star : Sunday July 6, 2008

Nurul Izzah fed up with accusation

KUALA LUMPUR: Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar says she is fed up with the latest accusation against her father, PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“I’m fed up with it. For 10 years, we have been forced to live with such a slanderous accusation against him,” she told reporters at the 25th anniversary of the Saidina Abu Bakkar As-Siddiq Mosque in Bangsar yesterday.

She, however, said it would not distract her from fulfilling her responsibilities to her constituents. Nurul Izzah also said she was leaving the matter to the authorities and hoped the investigations would be conducted fairly and thoroughly.

Anwar is facing a fresh allegation of sodomy, this time from former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 23, who lodged a police report on June 28. – Bernama

The Star : Sunday July 6, 2008 MYT 7:28:29 PM

Let Nik Aziz be the mediator, says Perlis Mufti

KUALA LUMPUR: Perlis Mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin has suggested that the PAS spiritual leader be the middleman in the proposed “mubahalah” (malediction) to solve the alleged sodomy alleagation involving PKR's de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Mohd Asri said that Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who is also Kelantan Mentri Besar, was well suited to be the mediator due to his huge influence on society, especially among PAS supporters.

In order for someone to be a middleman, he said, the person should have an in-depth knowledge of Islam and also be influential in society.

As soon as the sodomy allegation against Anwar surfaced, Mohd Asri was the first to propose the matter be solved through mubahalah.

He said he had no wish to be involved in political issues but had to give his views when it concerned matters pertaining to Islam.

On Friday, Terengganu Umno Youth suggested that Dr Mohd Asri be the middleman to get Anwar and Mohd Saiful to swear by the Quran to prove their innocence.

Mubahalah is an old Islamic practice where the disputing parties would swear they were telling the truth and pray that God’s curse befell the lying party.

On June 28, Saiful alleged that Anwar had sodomised him at a condominium in Damansara on June 26. He lodged a police report against the former deputy prime minister.

Anwar vehemently denied the accusation, saying it was a conspiracy to stop his political comeback.

On Friday at a press conference, Nik Aziz supported Mohd Asri's mubahalah proposal.
Both Mohd Asri and Nik Aziz said the latest claim of sexual misconduct by the former deputy prime minister was confusing to the people and there was a need for clarity on the matter.

Perak Mufti Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria has also lent support to the mubahalah suggestion.

When contacted, former PKR Youth chief Ezam Mohd Nor, who is now with Umno, joined in the chorus of calls for Anwar and Saiful to swear on the Quran to get to truth about the sodomy accusation. He said the accusations were just too much for the country.

“Both Anwar and Saiful should settle it once and for all and go to the ulamak,” he said.

The Star : Monday July 7, 2008

Cops interview 18 tied to new sodomy allegation


KUALA LUMPUR: Police have so far recorded statements from 18 people including doctors who examined the person who accused Anwar Ibrahim of sodomising him. Federal CID director Comm Datuk Bakri Zinin said, however, that they have yet to question Anwar

“The time will come when a statement would be recorded (from him) because he is one of the people named in the investigations,” Comm Bakri said, adding that the case was being investigated under Section 377C of the Penal Code for carnal intercourse against the order of nature, which carries a jail term of up to 20 years and whipping if convicted.

He also said police were still in the process of identifying the remaining people who might know of the alleged sodomy and would contact them and have their statements recorded.

“However, if they fail or refuse to come forward voluntarily to assist police, then we would have no other choice but to compel them to come forward as provided for under the law,” said Comm Bakri yesterday.

He also warned the media against speculating or making assumptions about the case as it could jeopardise police investigations.

“If you (media) are willing to speculate, then be prepared to be summoned to the court to give your statements later on,” he said.

When asked if police were offering protection to the Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 23, Comm Bakri replied “Yes”.

“On the day he came to lodge the police report, he asked us to provide him protection.”

The Star : Monday July 7, 2008

Anwar and accuser both willing to swear on Quran

PETALING JAYA: PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his accuser Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan said they are willing to swear on the Quran over the sodomy allegations.

“I am prepared to swear (on the Quran) if the ulama advise me to,” Anwar said at the rally to protest the fuel price hike at Kelana Jaya Stadium.

He said however that the ulama should be “credible”. He added that Perak mufti Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria and the former Federal Territory mufti Datuk Hashim Yahya had advised him that any such allegation should be handled according to Islam and there should be witnesses.

Sources told M-Star Online that Saiful, who is currently under police protection, also agreed to the suggestion by the Mufti of Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, to clear his name. It is learnt that a statement on the matter will be made soon.

Dr Mohd Asri had suggested that the question of who was speaking the truth in the sodomy issue could be resolved by both swearing on the Quran if the matter could not be resolved through court.

Monday July 7, 2008

Fiancee: I believe in him and justice will prevail

KUALA LUMPUR: Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan turned 23 yesterday. As a birthday gift, fiancee Janna Syariza reaffirmed her love and support, saying he was her hero and promised to stand by him.

“I believe in Saiful and that justice will prevail,” wrote Janna in her blog A Step in My Pink Mary Janes (jannamohdzaki.blogspot. com).

She said she had spent the past week planning for his birthday but accepted the fact none of it would materialise. “I am not upset. In my eyes, he is a hero. To those who shower us with an endless stream of curses and hateful words, I say alhamdullilah (thanks be to God). “We do not have the power to stop people from saying hurtful things,” she added.

Janna also wrote about an “an admirable woman” whom she did not name. She said she would be heeding the advice of this person to be closer to God. She also recorded her appreciation for the well wishes and prayers for the engaged couple.

Comments left on her blog for this posting was a mixture of support and vile. A commentator,, wrote that Saiful was fortunate to have a faithful fiancee. Another, DatOk ZeQ from Kelana Jaya, also wished Saiful a happy birthday. The poster urged Janna to be cool and hoped that the truth would prevail soon.

Another poster, Zain, asked why Saiful did not resist if he claimed he was sodomised.

Saiful had lodged a police report recently accusing PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of sodomising him in a condominium in Damansara. Anwar has vehemently denied the accusation.

Anwar tidak perlu bersumpah - Mufti Perak

Mohd Rashidi Hassan

KUALA LUMPUR, 6 Julai (Hrkh) - Ulama terkemuka di Malaysia seperti Mufti Perak, Dato' Seri Harussani Zakaria, bekas Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, Dato' Hashim Yahaya dan beberapa yang lain menegaskan, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak perlu bersumpah.

Dato' Seri Harussani membuat penegasan itu berkata, Anwar yang dihadapkan pertuduhan melakukan liwat, tidak perlu bersumpah atau bermubahalah kerana ianya tidak menepati undang-undang Islam.

Ini kerana katanya, tuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas beliau oleh bekas pembantu peribadinya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan adalah dakwaan jenayah yang termasuk dalam hukum kazaf.

"Kaedahnya dalam kes ini, ialah 'orang yang menuduh mestilah mengemukakan bukti' dalam mahkamah, jika dia gagal mengemukakan bukti, dia boleh dikenakan hukuman hudud," katanya ketika dihubungi sebentar tadi.

Mengulas mengenai cadangan beberapa pihak termasuk Mufti Perlis yang menggesa Ketua Umum KeADILan itu bersumpah untuk membuktikan beliau benar atau pun tidak, Harussani secara sinis mengatakan, "itu cadangan dari orang yang terlebih pandai."

Katanya, masalahnya dalam kes membabitkan Anwar adalah perkara yang menjatuhkan maruah dan tidak timbul soal perlunya orang yang mendakwa atau tertuduh untuk bersumpah.

Mufti Perak itu turut memberi peringatan kepada umat Islam, khususnya orang-orang Melayu supaya tidak terikut-ikut dengan budaya agama lain yang bersumpah dengan kitab dan sebagainya.

"Tiada kaedah langsung kena sumpah dengan al-Quran, itu meniru budaya agama lain, sumpah yang ada dalam Islam cuma 'Wallahi, Wabillahi, Watallahi'," tegasnya.

Menyuarakan pandangan yang sama, bekas Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, Dato' Hashim Yahaya berkata, kes yang dituduh kes atas Anwar adalah yang membabitkan hukum kazaf, bukannya li'an.

"Sumpah hanya diterima dalam kes suami isteri atau li'an. Menyuruh tertuduh bersumpah dalam kes membabitkan kazaf menyalahi hukum syarak," tegasnya ketika dihubungi.

Menurut beliau, masyarakat Islam tidak harus dikelirukan dengan gesaan bersumpah, kerana sumpah bukannya sesuai dalam semua perkara.

"Isunya tidak ada sumpah dalam bab kazaf, orang yang menuduh (Saiful) mesti membawa saksi sebagaimana yang disyaratkan dalam kanun jenayah syariah, jika dia gagal, dia boleh dikenakan hukuman 80 sebatan," tegas beliau._

Liputan Kes Najib-Altantuya (5 & 6 Julai 2008)

The Star : Sunday July 6, 2008

Bala has no credibility, says Najib


PEKAN: Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has denied being involved in private investigator P. Balasubramaniam’s retraction of his first statutory declaration.

“I have no knowledge of anything. “I had to make a strong denial before this as it was not an issue of seeking the truth but a political ploy to influence public perception,” he said, adding that he would not seek legal redress on the matter or hide behind an injunction.

“His retraction means he has no credibility in whatever he said earlier,” Najib said after opening the Peramu Jaya 3 Rukun Tetangga scheme here yesterday.

On Friday, Balasubramaniam made a second statutory declaration and withdrew what he had said on Thursday on Najib's involvement with Mongolian murder victim Altantuya Shaarribuu.

Najib said the statutory declaration should not have been made in the first place and Malaysian politics had reached a stage where people were employing dirty tactics, including disregarding the country’s laws.

“Those involved are making a mockery of the country’s laws. “They are not afraid. Maybe, there is a motive and a bad intention or perhaps, (they were) offered a carrot to initiate the move.

“I also regret that an opposition leader was involved in the matter that touched on an on-going trial.” “The fate of three men are in the hands of the court over a very serious criminal charge,” he said, adding that the case should not be politicised.
Najib said that although the issue caused an adverse effect on his image, he had to face it somehow.

“Slander is not something new but in the age of ICT, it can spread much faster and wider. “As such, the people must strengthen their belief and make a conclusion with the right frame of mind,” he said.

The Star : Sunday July 6, 2008

Bala and family missing since Friday

KUALA LUMPUR: Private investigator P. Balasubramaniam, his wife and three young children have gone missing since Friday, according to a police report lodged by his nephew R. Kumaraesan. He said he had called his uncle and aunt many times but they did not take the calls.

“This is very unusual and has never happened before. I am very close to my uncle. There is no way they will simply cut off contact with me. We talk to each other almost daily,” Kumaresan, 27, said, adding that he was concerned for their safety.

He said he last spoke to his aunt, S. Sentamil (Balasubramaniam’s wife), on Thursday after the private eye had released his first statutory declaration at the PKR headquarters alleging that Abdul Razak Baginda had told him that the Deputy Prime Minister had had a sexual relationship with Altantuya Shaariibuu.

“She sounded normal then. I asked her to call me if anything went wrong,” said the IT professional yesterday after lodging a missing persons report at the Brickfields police station.

However, almost immediately after his uncle issued the second statutory declaration on Friday retracting the first one, Kumaresan said he called his uncle and aunt many times but they did not respond.

Abdul Razak, who is being charged with abetting in the murder of Altantuya in 2006, had earlier hired Balasubramaniam as his private eye because he said the Mongolian translator had been harassing him (Razak). Balasubramaniam was one of the witnesses who had testified in the Altantuya murder case.

Kumaresan said when his uncle and aunt went incommunicado after the second statutory declaration, he went to their house in Rawang and saw that their car was still there but the two dogs had not been fed or given water. He said neighbours told him that his aunt had broken her normal routine to pick up the neighbour’s children from school at noon, which was very unusual.

Kumaresan also disclosed that on July 1 after his uncle had prepared first statutory declaration (two days before it was released at the PKR headquarters), his uncle had met and given the original copy to his brother for safekeeping.

"He asked my brother, Segar, to show it to me and asked us to just wait and see and watch the TV because he (Balasubramaniam) was going to give a press conference."

"I'm not sure why he gave it to me. I think he gave me the copy (original statutory declaration) because it was against the Deputy Prime Minister," he said.

To a question, he said, his uncle did not give him instruction what to do with the statutory declaration should something have happened to him prior to its release.
He also said his uncle made no mention that his life was in danger.

To a question, Kumaresan admitted that his uncle had spoken to him a number of times about the Razak-Altantuya case.

Kumaresan's lawyer, N. Surendran, who was present at the police station said the authorities must inform the next of kin if they had "detained" Balasubramaniam and family and "return them to their loved ones."

"After the statutory declaration implicating the Deputy Prime Minister in a very serious manner, the sudden loss of contact is extremely worrying," he said.

PKR information chief Tian Chua who was also present at the police station said it was very puzzling that Balasubramaniam and family had gone missing after a very sensitive accusation was made.

He said this emphasised the need for a Whistle blowers and Witness Protection Act so that people who are in a vulnerable situation should be protected.

Deputy Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said the police too wanted to talk to Balasubramaniam about the two statutory declarations he had made.

“We have no idea where he is and we appeal to anyone who knows where he is to contact us and this includes his lawyer who was last seen with him,” Ismail said yesterday.

He added that police were checking to see if Balasubramaniam had left the country.

The Star : Sunday July 6, 2008

Whereabouts of investigator is not known

RAWANG: The home of private investigator P. Balasubramaniam has become the latest haunt of journalists following the startling retraction on his first statutory declaration on Friday. The empty terrace house in Taman Pelangi here has been flooded with pressmen hoping to interview Balasubramaniam but his whereabouts are unknown. A four-wheel drive vehicle was seen parked under the porch.

The neighbours, who said Balasubramaniam had not returned home since Friday, are frustrated at the constant ringing of their doorbells by reporters making enquiries.

“This has been going on the whole morning and it is quite annoying,” a neighbour said.

She expressed concern that two Rottweilers belonging to Balasubramaniam had been left only with water. Lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu said he could not contact Balasubramaniam.

Balasubramaniam, keluarga dilaporkan 'hilang' !

Azamin Amin

KUALA LUMPUR, 5 Julai (Hrkh) - Penyiasat Persendirian Balasubramaniam yang mencetuskan kontroversi telah dilaporkan 'hilang' selepas mencetuskan kontroversi berhubung dua surat akuan bersumpah berkaitan pembabitan Timbalan Perdana Menteri Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak dengan kes Altantuya Sharibuu

Ini termasuk kehilangan isteri Bala beserta tiga orang anaknya juga turut tidak dapat dikesan sehingga kini.

Kehilangan mereka itu telah dilaporkan oleh anak saudara mereka R Kumaresan, 27 di Balai Polis Brickfields kira-kira jam 5 petang tadi dengan ditemani oleh seorang peguam.

Dalam pada itu, Presiden Majlis Peguam Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan Akuan bersumpah pertama Bala tidak boleh ditarik balik kerana dibuat mengikut prosedur betul dan disahkan oleh Pesuruhjaya Sumpah.

"Akuan bersumpah adalah dokumen yang mengandungi keterangan yang diberi di bawah ikrar. Pengakuan bertulis di hadapan Pesuruhjaya Sumpah. Dalam kes ini semua keterangan diberi secara bersumpah tidak boleh ditarik balik," katanya.

Pada 3 Julai lalu Bala yang pernah memberi keterangan sebagai saksi pertama pendakwaan dalam perbicaraan kes pembunuhan Altantuya, mengedarkan akuan bersumpah bertarikh 1 Julai setebal 16 muka surat dengan mendakwa wanita Mongolia yang dibunuh itu mempunyai hubungan dengan Najib.

Bagaimanapun kurang daripada 24 jam iaitu keesokan harinya (4 Julai) Bala menarik balik beberapa perenggan dalam akuan bersumpahnya dengan mengatakan kandungan akuan itu mengenai Najib adalah tidak benar.-

Monday July 7, 2008

Bala may have gone into hiding

PETALING JAYA: Private investigator P. Balasubramaniam could have been “forced” to go into hiding.

“We are currently investigating three likely possibilities – he could have gone into hiding due to fear or because he does not want to cooperate with police investigations, or he has been kept hidden by certain parties,” said Federal CID director Comm Datuk Bakri Zinin at a press conference at the city police headquarters yesterday.

He reiterated that police had no idea where the PI was and appealed to anyone who knew of his whereabouts to contact the police.

“If he is afraid to meet us on his own, he is welcome to bring along his lawyer during questioning,” Comm Bakri added.

Balasubramaniam has not been seen since calling for a press conference on Friday to retract his first statutory declaration made public the previous day, prompting the police to launch a search for him.

If Balasubramaniam has left the country, Comm Bakri said police may request Interpol's help.

Balasubramaniam, one of the witnesses who testified in the Altantuya murder case, alleged in his first statutory declaration that police had omitted vital information in the case.

Barely 24 hours later, he retracted the entire contents of the declaration.
On Saturday, two nephews of Balasubramaniam lodged a police report claiming that their uncle, his wife and three children had been missing since Friday.

Liputan Kes Najib-Altantuya (4 Julai 2008 - Bhg 3)

Balasubramaniam tarik balik beberapa perenggan dalam akuan sumpahnya

KUALA LUMPUR 4 Julai - Penyiasat persendirian, P. Balasubramaniam, hari ini menarik balik beberapa perenggan dalam akuan bersumpahnya berkaitan hubungan wanita Mongolia, Altantuya Shaariibuu dengan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Balasubramaniam menarik balik akuannya bahawa Najib telah memperkenalkan Altantuya kepada Abdul Razak Baginda dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri mempunyai hubungan seks dengan wanita Mongolia itu.

Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita secara ringkas ketika hadir bersama peguamnya di salah sebuah hotel di sini hari ini.

Sementara itu, peguamnya, M. Arulampalam mendakwa ketika Balasubramaniam membuat kenyataannya semalam di pejabat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), beliau amat marah dengan kerajaan.

``Tetapi hari ini, Balasubramaniam telah menyedari kesilapannya,’’ ujarnya. - Utusan

Bala tarik balik akuan berkanun

Jul 4, 08 11:18am

Penyiasat persendirian, P Balasubramaniam membuat kejutan lagi apabila menarik balik akuan berkanunnya yang mengaitkan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dengan Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Dalam akuan berkanunnya itu, Balasubramaniam mendakwa Najib mempunya hubungan seksual dengan Altantuya. Najib juga didakwa memperkenalkan Altantuya kepada Abdul Razak Baginda.Balasubramaniam berkata, beliau telah dipaksa membuat akuan berkanun tersebut. Dalam satu sidang akhbar di sebuah hotel di Kuala Lumpur pagi ini, Balasubramaniam membuat akuan berkanun yang baru.

Akuan berkanun yang baru itu tanpa rujukan Najib mempunyai hubungan seksual dengan Altantuya ataupun Najib yang memperkenalkan Abdul Razak baginda kepada wanita Mongolia tersebut.

Balasubramaniam juga mempunyai peguam yang baru. Peguam Americk Sidhu, yang bersamanya semalam, juga tidak tahu apa yang sedang berlaku. Sidang akhbar Balasubramaniam masih berjalan.

Semalam, Balasubramaniam membuat pendedahan yang menggemparkan bahawa beliau telah mendengar dari Abdul Razak mengenai hubungan Najib dengan Altantuya.Tetapi hari ini beliau berkata, beliau mahu menarik balik akuan berkanunnya pertama, yang difailnya pada 1 Julai, dan menggantikannya dengan yang baru, yang diumumkannya hari ini.

"Saya mahu menarik balik akuan berkanun yang pertama," katanya sambil menambah, beliau dipaksa membuat akuan berkanun tersebut.

Balasubramaniam telah diupah oleh Abdul Razak untuk menguruskan Altantuya pada 2006 yang mengganggu Abdul Razak, yang juga rapat dengan Najib. - Malaysiakini

The Star : Friday July 4, 2008 MYT 2:10:17 PM

PI retracts declaration

KUALA LUMPUR: Political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda's private investigator P. Balasubramaniam on Friday retracted the statutory declaration which he made less than 24 hours ago.

In a startling turn of events Balasubramaniam revealed in a second statutory declaration that he wished "to retract the entire contents of my statutory declaration dated July 1 2008. I was compelled to affirm the said statutory declaration under duress".

The document also read that all statements made were inaccurate and not the truth.
A visibly perturbed Balasubramaniam remained mum on Friday when met by pressmen who had rushed to a hotel here where his new lawyer Arulampalam Mariam Pillai accompanied him for the brief press conference.

Dressed in a cap and T-shirt Balasubramaniam refused to answer questions posed to him and left quickly after his lawyer distributed the second statutory declaration to reporters.

Arulampalam also refused to entertain pressmen, giving only a brief statement that his client was under duress and that he was upset.

The new statutory declaration withdrew all statements that Balasubramaniam had revealed to a packed press conference organised by PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at party headquarters on Thursday.

This included the fact that he had informed police what political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda had purportedly told him prior to Altantuya's murder.

The 10 statements highlighted in the second statutory declaration dated July 4 were:

* At no material time did Razak inform him (Balasubramaniam) that the former was introduced to Altantuya Shaariibuu by a VIP;

* At no material time did Razak inform him that Najib had a sexual relationship with Altantuya and that she was "susceptible to anal intercourse";

* At no material time did Razak inform him that Najib instructed Razak to look after Altantuya as he did not want her to harass him since he (Najib) was the Deputy Prime Minister;

* At no material time did Razak and/or Altantuya inform him that Najib, together with Razak and Altantuya had met and all been together at a dinner in Paris;

* At no material time did Altantuya inform him that she wanted money in the sum of US$500,000 as a commission for a submarine deal she "assisted" with in Paris;

* At no time whatsoever did Razak and/or Altantuya inform him that Najib met with Altantuya in Singapore;

* At no time whatsoever did Altantuya inform him that she wanted Balasubramaniam to arrange to see Najib;

* At no time did he tell the police during the course of their investigations about any relationship between Najib and Altantuya as no such relationship existed to his knowledge;

* At no time did Razak inform him that he had sent Najib an SMS the evening before he (Razak) was arrested; and

* At no time did Razak inform him that Najib has sent him an SMS on the day of his (Razak) arrest to the effect that he was going to see the IGP that day and that the matter should be resolved and for Razak to remain calm.

Friday July 4, 2008 MYT 3:20:46 PM

Cops to investigate both declarations by PI

PETALING JAYA: Police will investigate the two statutory declarations made by private investigator P. Balasubramaniam although he has withdrawn the first statutory declaration made on Thursday.

Deputy Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said police would conduct a thorough investigation into the matter regardless of the retraction. He declined to elaborate.