Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Anwar dan Foundation for the Future

Ahli Parlimen Jerlun yang juga anak kepada Tun Dr Mahathir menuduh DS Anwar sebagai tali barut US dan Israel semalam di Parlimen. Asas tuduhan beliau antara lain ialah penglibatan DS Anwar sebagai Pengerusi Foundation for the Future, sebuah NGO yang menurut Dato’ Mukhriz mendapat bantuan dana dari US, Bahrain dan lain-lain. Berikut disiarkan sebuah artikel dari Foundation itu dan diharap kita akhirnya akan mengetahui samada tuduhan Dato’ Mukhriz itu benar atau palsu.

Executive Committee of the Foundation for the Future holds its first 2008 meeting in Geneva

Geneva, April 2, 2008

The Executive Committee of the Foundation for the Future held its first 2008 meeting on April 2nd in Geneva. Seven new grant awards to Civil Society Organizations were announced, making the total amount of awards approximately $2.3 million

The non-governmental organizations receiving these grants are based in Yemen, Egypt, Morocco, Palestine, and Jordan. These new projects focus on the areas of competitive and free elections, rule of law, gender advocacy, tolerance and diversity, youth development, civic education and enhanced citizens’ awareness and participation, human rights and development of civil society in the Arab world.

Chairman Anwar Ibrahim, Vice Chair Rahma Bourqia, Secretary Cornelio Sommaruga and member Justice Sandra Day O’Connor attended the meeting, while Treasurer Kamel Abu Jaber took part in the meeting by conference call. Other attendees included Nabila Hamza, President of the Foundation.

In addition to announcing these new projects, the Executive Committee has approved a twelve-month extension for strengthening the operations of the Beirut-based Middle East Media Center, managed by the Samir Kassir Foundation which has begun its work in October 2007 on media freedom and journalists’ protection.

The Executive Committee has also approved additional funding for the initiative “The Arab Focus on the Rule of Law Reform” to be implemented by the Amman-based Arab Center for the Development of the Rule of Law and Integrity [ACRLI], that aims to enhance networking between Civil Society Organizations involved in advocating rule of law reform initiatives in the MENA region.

“We expect these funds to support Civil Society Organizations throughout the region in the push for greater democratization, the defense of human rights and the invigoration of civil society”, Mrs. Nabila Hamza, President of the Foundation said.

Mrs. Hamza added, “We look forward to the future with confidence, and renew our commitment to supporting the development of civil society and fostering democracy and freedom in the broader Middle East and North Africa”.

Following the executive committee meeting, a briefing for donor representatives was held in the late afternoon. Representatives from Switzerland, Jordan, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Morocco, Greece, Afghanistan, Mexico, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Arab League and Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) took part in the briefing.

The US mission representative hailed the diverse projects which are being deployed on the ground. The UK showed its solid and warm support to the Foundation and hoped for new grants to be made and bigger projects to be implemented particularly in the area of Youth empowerment.

While Turkey tackled the issue of getting more countries to benefit from the grants, the Swiss representative praised the special attention given to the quality of projects being implemented.

At the end, the President thanked Dr. Cornelio Sommaruga, President of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian De-mining (GICHD) for hosting the meeting.

In addition, special thanks were conveyed to Ambassador Pierre Helg from the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and all Swiss delegation for their support to Foundation’s activities.

For further information please contact or call +1.202.464.6012.

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